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Free First Aid travel kits!

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Proctor and Gamble has a coupon out now for $3 off 3 of their choice products -- one of them being their Johnson and Johnson First Aid red cross travel kits!! These kits retail at $.99, which means with the coupon, you can get 3 kits for FREE!!  The coupon was featured in last weeks PGSaver newspaper insert.  My friend (who is a coupon QUEEN has already purchased her 3 for free!)


I didn't get the newspaper, so I missed out on it, but my friend shared a website where you can purchase multiples of these coupons for $.20 a piece!


If anyone wants to use this coupon site themselves, here is the link! If anyone is interested in sharing, let me know!





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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for sharing!  I got enough coupons to buy 51 kits... it took a while to find a store where these sold for $.99 (they sell for $1.59 at my local grocery store), but I finally found these at CVS for $.99 and got my first three for only $.07 since they still want you to pay the sales tax.  Be aware that you could have some issues since the coupon is for $3 off and the total only comes to $2.97 before tax; my cashier figured out a way to make it go through, but I can foresee a not-so-nice cashier making a big deal about it.  Anyone else who is planning on getting those coupons should act fast since they expire Nov. 30th. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ladies. I orderd my coupons for these for 20 cents a piece. I ordered way more than I need and I have 15 left. They expire November 30th so you'll have to use them quick. I got 36 of them in two days. CVS has them for 99 cents. . I did have a little trouble at Bed, Bath and Beyond because of the tax thing though. I would stick to the CVS, they don't ask any questions. To make it easier I bought something else small, mints or gum so they wouldn't even ask about the tax. Walgreen's was easy too but they're $1.79 there.


They're yours free if you want them, pm me.  

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