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What activities do you have planned for the guests?

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Thanks! =] We plan on inviting around 120 guests. We don't have an exact head count yet, but we're thinking no more than 100 will show and most likely no less than 60 from what others have told us. We're kind of trying to get more people to come by providing the accomodation and paid local transportation lol We know they will be spending enough money as it is on flights, so we're trying to make it easier on the pocket for them.


FI and I are big on traveling so we always knew we would have a DW, but we also want the kind of big wedding you would have at home. His family is in the UK and my immediate familly are in the USA, and we didn't want to have to choose between one location or the other.


Oh, the Florida keys... It's been a while since I've last been there. I'm in the Tampa/Orlando area, so it's a bit of a drive going down there, but it's beautiful! Great choice! =]


I'm a big event planner myself and planning everything for the wedding. We're pretty much only hiring a wedding planner to be the enforcer LOL...to make sure that everything goes according to plan. I just want to relax during the wedding vacation and not have to worry, but until then I'll be working on every single detail...

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I've been wondering this too!!  As of right now, my thoughts are to have a welcome cocktail party on the first night and some sort of pool party/beach fun-day the next day (volleyball, etc.).  I found a really cute 'daily newsletter' for guests that we may use for telling guests where we will be and what activities are going on day-to-day.  I didn't want to plan too much because I know we will be preparing for the wedding and a lot of my guests are treating this as their summer vaca.


Here is the newsletter template!!  http://images.marthastewart.com/images/content/web/pdfs/2009Q4/msw_travel09_sea_goodmorningnews.pdf

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I have the same template lol!


Depending on how many people come we're thinking about renting a caterman cruise for everyone and maybe even have like a sunset dinner...we'd like to do it for the welcome dinner but it wouldnt be until the day after we get there so we're not sure if thats kind of tacky.


Other than that just arranging like, jszy10 said, volleyball games, pool parties and other casual things where its just all to meet up and hang out for the day!

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Thursday night will not be an organized dinner, but we will offer a shuttle down to PDC 5th Ave to go to a club.   People who don't want to do the club or who have kids can walk around and site see/shop.   Most people will be there that night so we will see if we can get everyone to go to the same restaurant.  At the very least, the "Welcome Letter" which will be in the rooms when guests will arrive will say where we are having dinner and also a comment about the night out in PDC.

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We have nothing planned for our guests. I personally wouldn't like it if I was attending some one elses DW and they had an itinary of what I will be doing. For the guests it's a holiday aswel so I wouldn't want to make them feel obliged to participate in activities they otherwise wouldn't do.


Having said that we're having under 20 guests so it will be very easy to wake up one day and say do you fancy doing X, Y or Z without much planning or preparation.


Regarding welcome dinners etc we're a very close-knit family so the chances are we'll be eating together pretty much every night for the 1st week anyway. The 2nd week will be for me and my husband though so we won't be seeing that much of our guests then.x


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  • 3 months later...

I didn't want to plan much because I wanted people to feel like they could plan their own vacation part of the trip. But we did do a few things together. We arrived in the early afternoon, but left people to their own devices to check out the resort and recoup from traveling. After chatting with our guests we realized everyone wanted to go on the glass-bottom boat ride, so we all settled on a time and went as a group. It was great that we all experienced the same trip! We also planned a trip for the younger people 2 days after the wedding, where we all spent the day shopping in Montego Bay and climbing Dunn's River Falls. That was an awesome experience for us all!!


I found that people grouped together on their own to do things, and really enjoyed being able to plan their own fun or just lay on the beach all day! It was a great balance between wedding stuff and a well deserved vacation for us all.

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We've decided to have little activities during the week. We are going to put together a rubber duckie race. Bought a duck for each OOT bag.  I  bought a few Tony Hawk underwater skate boards, so we can have races in the pool.  We were thinking of a few other things as well, maybe a scavenger hunt.  Have a few tacking trophies just make a few of the days interesting. Leaving it open to whomever wants to participate. But knowing my family and friends they will be in like flynn on all this.


I'm not sure what other things yet, but nothing too complexe or too long. And as long as it stays fun!!

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