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Anyone getting married in Tulum, not at Dreams? The place looks great but

I am looking for something smaller, not an AI resort. I like to go out and try local restaurants so it doesn't make sense for me.


Any recommended WC? Hotels?



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Have you checked out Ana y Jose? It is a really laid back place. Certainly nowhere near the nightlife of Playa. My daughter is being married at their beach club which is about 15 minutes away from Dreams, where we are staying.
They have everything divided up to area. Lots of photos and details as well as prices. Most of the places from Tulum on south do not have airconditioners. A couple of the Canas have a large enough generator to supply air, but most don't. It is a very eco-friendly area. I think it is just lovely.
If you have any other questions, I would contact Jason (Lambert). He and Karen are members of our forum. Jay has quite a lot of info on this particular area. In fact, they were just married there in the beginning of July!
Hope this helps you,

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Some of those bungalow eco-hotels look great. But we will have my FH 11 yr old niece (several say no children) and our mothers who might not appreciate a hotel with "limited" electricity. And honestly, I am a bit squeamish about the bugs in Mexico (I got stung by a scorpion there once) so maybe an open bungalow is not for me, either. crybaby2.gif


Maybe I should look into Play del Carmen...


oy vey!

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Originally Posted by lambert13 View Post
July 5th eh? I think that Karen and I probably saw the wedding you were at then. I remember watching a couple of them that day.
She was married near the Seaside Grill on the far end of the beach. There were a lot of weddings going on.
We missed seeing your wedding I think because we went on excursion to Akumal and Yal-ku lagoon on the 4th. The funny thing is, when I read your wedding review I believe the room you had on the day of you wedding was above ours in the same building and right next to my parents. Anyway, small world! We would have been the loud obnoxious bunch on the 1st floor patio. lol
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Jen- I hear Ana y Jose's is great. Check that one. I also saw them building some down the beach when I was running.


Kacey- You were def. there! We were there from the 4th (jay/k's wedding) til the 14th. Very loud, obnoxious group with luchadores masks.

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