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Keeping FI Wedding Band a Surprise

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Originally Posted by Susan101207 View Post
I think I also may surprise my FI with a wedding band. Right now we have a plain gold one that was his great grandfather's (which he likes), but when I was picking out my WBs, I saw him looking at some that matched mine. He even tried a few on, but then didn't want to spend the money. So, I'm thinking of picking one out and having it engraved. It's great to have a family heirloom so to speak, but I thought it might be nice to start are only family heirloom as well.
I'm so happy to hear your FI will be home soon. Like Ann said, I can't imagine, but at the same time, my FI is a cop and works second shift so sometimes we go days with nothing more than a groggy kiss when he gets home and I'm asleep and when he's asleep and I leave for work. Plus, he doesn't get holidays off, so I go to Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc. and other family functions alone for the most . Others wonder how I can stand it, but you just adapt and make your time together really count.
Anyway, glad he's coming home safe and sound!
Yes, you do just have to learn to adapt ... and find the right person who understands the idiosyncracies of those kind of jobs.

I know that sucks for you about him always working on the holidays. I missed so many holidays with family when I was a news reporter. Not fun. He's lucky to have you and that you understand!
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