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Wedding Photos-the pro pics

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WOW!!! Those pictures are stunning, I love them. You must be so happy. The one of the men in the sunglasses, I love it. The ones in the church are so beautiful. Everyone looks like they are having soooo much fun. Congratulations Christine, you must be sooo happy.

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You have got to be THRILLED!!!! These are AMAZING!!! I am literally speechless...I kid you not. I don't know where to begin. All the images are stunning. The color is amazing. The moments your photog captured are priceless. I could go on and on... but instead I'm going to go have a second look! How exciting!

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LOVE THEM!!! How gorgeous you are!! Your wedding was so regal looking, love the bm dresses, the church, the pic of the couple (parents?) in front of the car. Looks like you had a fun group, my kind of party! Thanks for sharing!!


Oh, and that pic of the dude doing the robot is HILARIOUS!!!!!

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damn - your wedding looks like it was soooo much fun! and your photog captured some priceless facial expressions - tears, laughing, and some puzzled looks too (i want to know what that person making the speach was saying!). all your hard work and DIY projects really paid off, Christine - beautiful wedding. and i've got to say - i love the color of the BM dresses for a wine country wedding.

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