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What are you (or did you) Giving Your Fiance for a Wedding Present?

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So.....I've been wrestling with what to get my FI for a while and this thread has been helpful. I really like the concept of BD photos, so I've just decided to go for it!! I am a large woman so I'm a little nervous about it but it's not like he doesn't know that, and the pics are meant just for him. I think it will be really exhilarating and I love the idea of giving him something sexy and sweet. I do hope they airbrush though :-)

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I ended up getting my now husband (we got married in April), scuba diving classes from novice to certification and I will give him the $$ towards finishing his tattooing.  I just did a super secret BD shoot for his 30th bday that's coming up in june...It's a big year for him!

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I am thinking of getting my fiance an engraved wedding band.  We have already put the deposit on our bands.  His is a tungsten ring and the place we are getting them from doesn't engrave bands.  I am thinking of having another band engraved for him and having my MOH deliver it to him before the wedding. 

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My Fiance and I decided to get each other nice sunglasses as a wedding present. We went thins weekend to pick them out. I know its not as romantic, but I like knowing that im getting something that I really like and he is too. I think its fitting since we are going to be in Mexico for almost two weeks and then going on a cruise in July.

2 weeks :)

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I'm really excited about my honey's gift. I'm getting him a pair of Armani suede loafers to wear to the wedding. I've specifically instructed my photographer to be with him when he gets the gift. I wanna see what his reaction was like. He didn't want BD pics of me (concerns about my future success and pics ending up in the wrong hands), so I chose designer shoes. He would never buy for himself, but he loves when I buy them for him. Getting excited just thinking about!

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