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Lost my engagement ring...Oooppsss


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Do you have a cat that might have played with it? I have to keep mine on day and night (even in the bathtub!) because he looooves shiny things. (I guess he takes after his mama, haha.)


Sorry to hear about it... But it'll make a good story one day :)

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Originally Posted by Melaina View Post
Do you have a cat that might have played with it? I have to keep mine on day and night (even in the bathtub!) because he looooves shiny things. (I guess he takes after his mama, haha.)

Sorry to hear about it... But it'll make a good story one day :)
No, no cats just an English Bull dog and a five year daughter that loves jewelry...I already interogated her!
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Oh, Monique....

I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your e-ring, but super glad to hear you have insurance, as well!


I have 2 quick suggestions on finding it before you just give in and get another ring which might seem obvious, but I figure I'd throw 'em out there anyway -- (1) did you move your dresser out and check BEHIND it? I lose stuff behind mine all the time... (2) is there any way you can get your hands on a metal detector? People find all kinds of lost jewelry and whatnot on beaches every year, so why not see if it would work in your own home?


Just a thought! Good luck and I hope everything works out, whether you are able to find it or have to get a new one with the insurance $! wink.gif

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wow, that is really sad! I remember one time i thought I lost it, but I had put it in an unusual place for "safe keeping"... it almost backfired! At least you have insurance, and like Carly said it may not replace the sentimental feeling, but at least the financial part is covered! I sure hope it turns up though!

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Thanks guys for all the helpful advice and concerns...I fessed up over the weekend that I had missed placed/lost my e-ring...He was initially really upset but thing calmed down and said that more than likely it's some where I haven't looked or may have fallen somewhere I would never notice...so we are going to move the dresser and all the furniture out of the room to see if we can find it... I think he would be even more upset but the fact that I feel sick that I lost it he's not...He just kept shaken his head and saying 'only you'...well when or if we find it I won't ever take it off! I'll keep you guys posted...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I lost mine the day before I was going to take it to get sized.  I knew it must have slipped off somewhere in the house but I just couldn't find it.  I was so upset, but FI didn't make me feel bad about it.  I read online that if you lose something you should put a picture of it under your pillow...which I tried when I got desperate...but somehow the picture under my pillow got lost too!  But a few days later a friend of FIs came over and as soon as he sat down he bent over and said "Is this your ring?"  Somehow it had made its way into the basement, but I didn't think to check there because I knew I hadn't been there that day.  I think while we were looking the cat found it first.  I hope you have the same luck!

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