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Azul Sensatori Wedding Coordinator Q&A and Docs

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Hi Ladies,


I had seen a thread like this for another resort and thought it might be a good idea for AS! I am still very new to the forum and feel like a bumbling fool because I am having a hard time figuring everything out. LOL


But, I did finally figure out how to start a thread - Go Me! Ha ha


Anyways, I have just recently paid my deposit for AS so I haven't had any contact with the WC's there yet. So, if anyone has any documentation or record of a Q&A session, please share!!


I've attached the spa menu (had to remove the picture pages to make it fit within the guidelines but it has the important information at least).


Thanks so much! Happy Planning!

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Congrats on booking your venue!! Have you seen this thread? http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...st-here-23412/


There is a wealth of knowledge in there! It's long, but worth the read IMO. Part of the challenge, which you'll discover, is that we all seemed to get different answers from the WC's, but no need to worry! It all works out in the end :). Happy planning!

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Yes, I feel like I have been reading that thread for months! Ha ha.


There's so much to think of so I thought maybe if this one was focused more on just pricing and Q/A type stuff, it might be helpful too. :o)


Thanks for the information!

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Ya, its absolutely overwhelming lol!! But in a good way, I think haha. All of my documents are likey out of date now, so I don't have anything to add in here, but I'm positive some of the B2B's will!!! Hope to see you around in the other thread!!

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