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Originally Posted by MissSimone View Post

well a diamond is a diamond is a diamond. that sounds like the real deal to me. :)

I have to agree. Whether it was made naturally or in a lab, IF the composition is identical, then logically they are just as "real". Why not get a bigger and better quality stone for a fraction of the price? I had heard of them while we were ring shopping, but I hadn't done much research and decided to stick with a natural stone. It's nice to know we have another option that's legit.

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I've recently found out that they've only been able to create colored man-made diamonds not colorless and I really want a white diamond for my engagement  ring so I don't think I'll be getting a man-made diamond. But it was nice to read about these things.

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Man made diamonds are almost exactly the same as Mined diamonds. The chemical composition is 99.9998% identical. The only difference is a very small mineral that is in evidence in the man made diamond which is undetectable by the naked eye. It can only be found by a device that DeBeers made to be able to do some damage control to their cornered industry. 


Man made diamonds are created from accelerated growth from a small diamond mineral/crystal in a controlled lab and with heat and pressure grown in less time than mined diamonds take. 


I told my fiancee that I would love a .5 carat diamond and if it was possible by only getting a man made or "created" (if the cost was more reasonable) then I was fine with it!!


I have done some serious research on blood diamonds. If you could only fathom the damage done to women, children and communities from countries that export and flood the market with blood diamonds. 


If I could not be reasonably certain of the validity of the source of diamond that I will be wearing on my finger I would just rather settle for a man made diamond that no one could tell the difference (even trained jewellers in belgium) than wear something that may have brought misery and suffering to someone on this earth.


Ironically, the mined diamond we settled on (having determined origin country with jeweller's guarantee was less expensive than the man made one.


I would have been happy either way. 

I looked into them awhile ago bc I was very specific with my FI about where he could buy a diamond for me. I know people that have some moissanite and it looks great. The main difference in the look of man made diamonds are the differences between natural and artificial lighting. Sometimes in the sunlight they can have a more yellow tint to them.

This is not true. Created diamonds are not possible to identify with either the naked eye or with jeweller's magnifier tools.

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I have a quorri engagement ring. No on has known the difference so far. Am I a bit sad it's not a "real" diamond... Yes, but it's a beautiful ring, and the meaning is the same.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I have a moissanite engagement ring. He got it enhanced since it's so affordable so my stone is shinier and whiter than the normal moissanites. It's 1.5 ct with side diamonds in a palladium band. I'm in love with my ring and do not wish I had a "real" diamond at all! In fact I'm glad it's not a "blood diamond". No one can tell the difference at all! It's gorgeous and mine :) I don't know how to insert pics into my posts but there's a couple pics in my gallery if you're curious ;)

I figured out how to post pics so here is my ring in different lighting!











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