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am i being unreasonable?

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Originally Posted by *Rachel* View Post
This thread is like an accident you can't help but look at!
I don't think Andrea "cut you up". She's not like that and has totally proven how awesome she has in her years on the forum. She didn't say anything negative about you. Just pointing out the unreasonableness

Don't think many people would disagree that it's important to respect... and it goes both ways. I think the things people have been saying about their "guests".... you know friends and family that LOVE the couple enough to put their life on hold and commit a few thousand dollars to witness their matrimony- they deserve more respect than "put up or shut up." Not that you said some of this stuff, but there has been so many selfish statements in this thread. That's what's getting called out here. Not the original OP. She was respectul about her friends in her post.

You did say something about the gf being embarrassed of her proposal "story." If it's about a "story" then I think she would be missing the whole point of someone asking for her hand in marriage. As Andrea noted, he just wants to propose. Not sacrifice a baby in his woman's honor.

Ok maybe embarrassed was the wrong word, I had said in my second post that the potential FI/gf may also feel it is inappropriate to propose at a DW and he should take that into consideration. I am shocked at how people pick apart every word said, but I guess tone and context can be hard to convey in written form so I am just going to take a deep breath......and move on! Good Luck simplnsweet and I hope your wedding is amazing :)
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Originally Posted by carly View Post
If you read the post that I quoted in my reply above, you would see that is exactly what she said...

Eta: here is the quote that I was replying to...
Whoops totally my bad on that one, I'll take the heat... I did read all the comments before replying but obviously I did miss that person. Can I change my comment to say "I think MOST people aren't suggesting the whole week should be about you"? (By "you" I mean the bride, or bride and groom if you will)
I don't think anyone can get me on that one...

Originally Posted by miss_delerium View Post
*slowing backing out of this thread*....do not make any sudden movements...
Uhm... me too!!!
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Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
Of course we all remember! That's exactly why I'm even commenting on this thread. We all had our moments and we had the help of brides who had been through it to help us remember what was important. If you focus on all the little things you WILL drive yourself crazy. There's tons of things that I wish I didn't bother to lose sleep on. So that's the point. We're here to help you guys, not bash you. I'm grateful for the brides that helped me to realize that some things were honestly very trivial. I bet that when this is all over, the OP will come back to this thread and think "why the hell was I even worried about that?" We're only offering advice and opinions from our own experiences. Take it or leave it.
I just wanted to add that THIS is the reason the majority of the people saying not to worry about it are already married. We've been through worrying about small things like this that really didn't matter in the end. We don't want you to steal your own thunder by insisting that everyone act a certain way not just AT your wedding but every day leading up to the wedding.

As for my opinion, I'm a leo too and I'll admit that sometimes I loved and wanted the attention of being The Bride. But if you insist on it, in subtle and not so subtle ways, you actually make people less likely to want to focus on your wedding and after the wedding you'll have a new host of problems to deal with because you unintentionally alienated people by insisting they live their lives a certain way for that small period of time.

In the end it won't be an issue unless you make it an issue.
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wow what an exciting thread! I posted before all this happened and I still think that its fine afterwards. At our wedding, there will be a proposal (hopefully after but whatev), a 21st bday the night before, a 30th bday the night after, and an anniversary (not sure of the exact date).We are celebrating ALL of these when we are there. I am super excited that everyone can celebrate all of this together...and we get to party even more!!!! PS..the guy whose 30th bday is on the day after was mad we planned the wedding too close to his bday!! So I guess Im stealing his thunder!

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Originally Posted by ChicagoPT View Post
PS..the guy whose 30th bday is on the day after was mad we planned the wedding too close to his bday!! So I guess Im stealing his thunder!
Haha...my brother's birthday is the day after our wedding. But he's not coming, so I guess it doesn't matter.
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