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My friend screwed up my nails


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I've had gel nails forever - I recently switched places because I wasn't happy with the girl who was doing them, when a friend of mine, who I'd reconnected with on Facebook, told me to come to her - she's been a manicurist forever, so I figured, ok, sure. The first time she did them they came out fine.

Yesterday i went there, and she mentioned she was in a hurry...they looked ok at first, but they felt a little "thick". When i had a chance to really look at them, they look awful. the gel is caked on and not smooth, and separating from the nails.




She's only there on Fridays and Saturdays, and I'm going to be away for the next 2 weekends, so I can't even go back to get them fixed by her till my next appointment in 3 weeks - I'm not sure they will make it 3 weeks - I don't know if i can handle them looking this bad for that long.


What I want to do is go get them redone somewhere else and just not go back to her - we aren't good friends - just people that have known each other forever and reconnected....I can always tell her she's just too far and her hours aren't convenient.


DH wants me to go back to her shop and have someone else do them so i don't have to pay, which makes me uncomfortable...plus, they aren't open evenings, and I work full time.


What do you think?


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I agree with your husband. It sounds like you've pretty much made up your mind not to go back to her personally, but why should you be out the $$ by having to go to someone new and pay to have the mess she made fixed? If you can get there on your lunch hour, why not make an appointment with someone else from her shop (provided the owner is OK with another manicurist repairing the damage)?


Whatever you decide, you should let her and her boss know what happened.

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The problem is that her shop is an hour from my office and 20 minutes from home so I definitely can't go at lunch - I'll have to see if they have anyone that can do them at night - I just don't like the uncomfortability of it all. I'll call there tomorrow and see what they can do for me.

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Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
The problem is that her shop is an hour from my office and 20 minutes from home so I definitely can't go at lunch - I'll have to see if they have anyone that can do them at night - I just don't like the uncomfortability of it all. I'll call there tomorrow and see what they can do for me.
I agree with the others, I would definitely go back and see if someone else at the shop can fix them. 3-weeks is a long time to wait, especially if they are not looking how you want now. The longest I wait to get my gels filled is 3-weeks, but I usually need fills at two-weeks since my nails grow so fast.

I hope things work out!
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I agree. You should def go back. She needs to know that she can't just do a half a$$ rush job. You should not be double paying. You need to make sure that your nails are not only beautiful-but last. That's why you went to a professional. Let us know how it turns out.

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I don't disagree that you are entitled to a refund or for someone to fix them no charge, but to me, my time is also money. It would just be way too inconvenient for me, plus gas money, etc when you already know you're never going back. I personally would just take the loss. And the bonus out of that is that you don't have to be in that awkward position if you're really that worried about it.

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Well - I did call today but they were closed. i will try again tomorrow and see what they say, but it is a lot about what Nicole and Cindy say - my time - i really just want to go somewhere close and get them fixed - especially when we're going away this weekend so I don't have so much time to get this done...

Stay tuned and Thank you for your responses!

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