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RANT! I regret booking my best friend's mother as a vendor!!

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Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post


Oh no Christie!! I was hoping that she would have been ok!

I'm sure you'll get some great shots out of though...and you can tell her where to shove that matte & frame!! blush2.gif


AMEN, my sista!!!


So, here's the lastest:  I guess she's done editing already and wants us to come to her home office and look at our proofs, but she seems more concerned about when will work best for her schedule, as opposed to ours! 


(Let me say again for those that don't know my situation that both my husband and I work full-time jobs during the day, and part-time jobs a few nights a week (mostly to help pay for all of the wedding-related costs we've had over the past 2 years), and we rarely have off on the same night, so it's tricky for us to coordinate a time that's good for both of us, as well as our photographer.) 


But frankly, John and I are so sick of dealing with her that instead of being excited to see the proofs as we should be, we're both COMPLETELY DREADING IT!  I am already bracing for how aggressive she's going to be trying to sell us add-ons and upgrades that we never discussed in the first place....(which she does to make more money, since she has so few clients -- gee, I wonder why?!).  I mean, I really don't want to have to put a family-friend in her place, but I won't be held responsible if she pushes me to it!!


Sad to say, even though she is a friend's mom, she has been the WORST vendor I've dealt with during this entire planning process (DW and AHR combined!)  A guy I work with just got engaged and he wanted her contact info., thinking since he knows me he could get a discounted rate from her, and I refused to give it to him!  I told him that I wouldn't want to subject him to any of the nonsense we've dealt with, lower rates or not!  What a shame, right?!? 

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Christie - I think you should have her just send you the link to the proofs! Tell her that you guys are just too busy to coordinate a time & that this is what all professional photographers do!


I'm sorry this has all been such a pain for you!! You definitely don't deserve to have to deal with all this bs!!! 

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