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Can I still lose weight not exercising?

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Hi, if your body is used to doing cardio a few days a week it will be alot harder for you to lose weight when you are no longer able to exercise. Does it hurt to ride a bike or use an elliptical trainer? i had some issues with my left knee a few yrs back and could not handle running at all but I could use my bike. If this is to hard then i would definately stay away from exercise for a while and stick to a SUPER clean diet. I would try and stay away from all alcohol (it adds up to a lot of empty calories) In order to lose weight you will most likely have to cut back on your daily calorie intake. Try to eat 5-6 small meals of good fat (nuts, olive oil etc) lean protein and good carbs. Cut out snacking before bed and try not to eat to many carbs after lunch. I have a sample diet thats worked for me if you like to see it let me know and I can PM it to you. Hope this helps and good luck!!


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What about biking? The reason I ask is because I've had knee problems for a long time and actually had knee surgery last year. Every doctor tells me to bike (better on a stationary bike because landing on a real bike hurts) to build up the muscles, etc.


Or swimming? Since swimming is 0 impact maybe that's an option for you.


Or yoga? Only thing my knee doctor told me to do was avoid positions where you kneel down. And of course whenever somethign feels bad I dont' do it (like pigeon for example)


Do you know if it's a cartilage problem? I imagien you've had an MRi and x-ray and all that. And they still dont' know what it is? Hmmm...


Anyway you can definitely lose weight without exercising. After my knee surgery i was freaked about about gaining so I tried to be extra strict with my food. i think I actually lost weight.


Try out your local WW meetings - I actually just started WW again yesterday because I've been feeling plump. It can definitely work but keep in mind that your body is used to exercising so if you can find a way to do stuff that will help!

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Ever since I started PT, my knee hurts all the time, so I have been scared to try elliptical/bike, etc because I do not want to make it worse. I have been trying to do the long hour long walks because I actually read that walking for an hour is one of the best ways to burn fat, but it just feels weird to not sweat and get your heart rate up. The hardest part of this is basically giving up my social life. I feel like eating out is impossible, and the only type of food I can think of that is diet friendly is sushi. What we do to look good!

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