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So frustrating!!  My best friend and one of my maid of honors(i'm having 2), has complained about pricing and where were going since the begining.  I even got the prices down and she still complained and now I don't even know if she is coming or not!  She has complained so much that I don't even want to talk to her about it anymore so I'm just going to wait to see if I get her reply in the mail.  But I try as should you to keep a happy mind hopefully things will work out for you.


Originally Posted by celticgirl View Post

I feel you girls,
I have had a rediculous situation as well... One of my best girlfriends was so excited for my wedding, she was in the bridal party and bought her dress and everything was a go.  When it came time for her to pay her deposit she backed out... I had to find a replacement, which was no big deal because I have the best sister in law in the world and asked her.  It has been 3 months since the switch, and when our dresses all arrived and she tried it on with us and noticed she would be missing out, she decided she wanted back in.  Even though it would have been a headache for me to find another guy to step in and then arrange for gifts for her as well and set up the same things I had lined up for the other girls, I told her she could be back in it.  I had originally paid for half her dress and was going to pay for alterations because she was a student and I wanted to help her out....  She decided to come right out and tell me she would only come if I paid for half of her dress and alterations, as it wasnt fair for me to do it for the other girls and not her too..... This ticked me off, I had already had to find a replacement for her, and pay for those items for this new bridesmaid.... and now she wanted back in, and expected me to pay for this for her? I explained to her why this requet was unreasonable and she simply said "its your wedding, you should expect to pay for things"..... I realize that, and I would have had no issues helping her out... if a) She made up her mind on if she was coming or not... or B)she didnt EXPECT me to do these things for her...





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Hi from Ottawa Ladies! I noticed alot of you are planning for Next April. Are my fiancee and I being a little ambitious in hoping to book for February? We also still haven't picked a resort. Our TA told us to wait til August as prices would come down then and we want to keep the cost for our guests around 1500-1700 for the week. It will most likely be Jamaica or Mexico for that budget as we don't want the D.R. or Cuba. There are so many decisions to make already... and we've only been engaged for a week!

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I gave her the boot... I dont need the extra stress... She mentioned to another friend that if she wasnt in the wedding party she wasn't going to go because she would feel left out.. but really If I thought she was good enough of a friend to ask her to stand up with me, you would think she would feel like she is good enough of a friend to attend like everyone else.


Originally Posted by torilynnsmith View Post

OMG! How annoying, I would have lost it!!! So what was the final decision? Is she back in the wedding?! It sounds like she is a little selfish, maybe she doesn't realize that it being your wedding doesn't only mean you pay for things but its also YOUR WEDDING!!!!


I think we are lucky so far with our bridal party but I am sure our own issues will come up!!



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Originally Posted by celticgirl View Post


I gave her the boot... I dont need the extra stress... She mentioned to another friend that if she wasnt in the wedding party she wasn't going to go because she would feel left out.. but really If I thought she was good enough of a friend to ask her to stand up with me, you would think she would feel like she is good enough of a friend to attend like everyone else.



good for you, hun...planning a wedding although its a DW is still alot of stress and planning....i wish people knew this! good luck with everything




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Congrats on your engagement. I'm from Ottawa too ;)

its not ambitious. FI and i got engaged on December 4th. We only booked our resort and everything after the holidays in January and we are getting married in October. You just have to be prepared to be busy :) LOL i can help with anything you need so dont hesitate to ask. Good luck!


Originally Posted by Nikadawn View Post

Hi from Ottawa Ladies! I noticed alot of you are planning for Next April. Are my fiancee and I being a little ambitious in hoping to book for February? We also still haven't picked a resort. Our TA told us to wait til August as prices would come down then and we want to keep the cost for our guests around 1500-1700 for the week. It will most likely be Jamaica or Mexico for that budget as we don't want the D.R. or Cuba. There are so many decisions to make already... and we've only been engaged for a week!


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Originally Posted by torilynnsmith View Post


Ooooo this is exciting Janet!!!! Popping babies out ASAP eh? I will look forward to hearing about that! One of my BMs who is getting married at the end of July has said they will be starting in Punta Cana on vacation for my wedding! That's kind of exciting to me!!


LOL! I will definitely keep you all posted. I am hoping it will be easy for us to get pregnant. The wedding night is when we will throw all precaution out the window and start trying :P I want a honeymoon baby LOL



Originally Posted by canadiangirl View Post




We've missed you hun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come back and talk to us lol


Thanks Doll! I missed you ladies too. i had BDW withdrawal. The next few weeks are hectic. I need to finish making all my phone calls, packing etc I move on July 9th and its coming SO fast!!!!!!!



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Originally Posted by Janet1480 View Post





LOL! I will definitely keep you all posted. I am hoping it will be easy for us to get pregnant. The wedding night is when we will throw all precaution out the window and start trying :P I want a honeymoon baby LOL




Thanks Doll! I missed you ladies too. i had BDW withdrawal. The next few weeks are hectic. I need to finish making all my phone calls, packing etc I move on July 9th and its coming SO fast!!!!!!!




since ive had 5 boys lol lol i could tell you some tricks and tips hun lmao!!!!!!!!! I read that last night, and was like what Janet/Baby...am i seeing things lol I must be tired. lol lol good luck on the move and come back to the forum soon we miss u lots and lots

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