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Secret Santa this year?

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ok ladies, so I've decided it's easier to just pm me your home address's and I will make a list, then when it is time to send out SS I will pm you with that person's address.


I think this is better than elfster (sorry don't trust internet stuff that much LOL). I promise I will only send your address to your specific SS.


We should set a spending limit, also a register time (to sign up to do this) and a sending time....


If you decide to do this you must give a gift, if you don't then there will be consequences. I will set up consequences with mods.


Is this ok girls?



The Head Santa (lol)


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Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 View Post
sounds good - whatever is easier! i will PM you my address.

Two suggesstions:

1. Budget $25.oo?
2. Send a list of 3 'wants' in the price range with your address so Drea can forward to your SS?
1.Budget: $25 is a good idea, any other suggestions?
2. I say a list of 3 "wants" and 1 whatever, so choice of surprise (just a thought)
3. Please help me pick a deadline date to register for SS date
4. Also what is a good date to deliver gifts from SS?
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I think $25 sounds good, same with the 3 "wants" and 1 "whatever"...


How about registration by the end of the month, then people have all of next month to shop, and then have them sent out by the end of next month.


That way everyone should have everything by Xmas.

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Originally Posted by lissah View Post
I think $25 sounds good, same with the 3 "wants" and 1 "whatever"...

How about registration by the end of the month, then people have all of next month to shop, and then have them sent out by the end of next month.

That way everyone should have everything by Xmas.
ok Lisa I love this idea...

Ok so
1. DEADLINE TO REGISTAR: Oct. 31 at 10pm PST (pacific standard Time)
2. DELIVERY DATE: Nov. 30th
3. AMOUNT: $25
4. PM me with your address, and your 3 "wants" and 1 "whatever"
5. SS will be picked and notified by pm by Nov. 4th
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Oh crap. I take that back. I forgot I'm moving!!! I have a PO box, but I don't know if I'm going to keep it since it's a little further away from where I'm moving too.


I'll sign up later in the month closer to the deadline/closing date just to make sure everything is still a go as far as the move!

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