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ROR New Wedding Coordinator

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As you've already read Chandlyn is no longer at the ROR. Is anyone else nervous about this besides me? I'm getting married on the 30th and I'm freaking out because I don't get any replies to the emails that I've sent to confirm the receipt of my documentation, reception, or anything else. I know that wedding coordinators come and go but Chandlyn seemed to have it all together. I read a review on tripadvisor that the new WC wouldn't decorate and Chandlyn always did that. Maybe this is just pre-wedding stress, but I just wondered if anyone out there felt the same.

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I am worried as well and I am not getting married until January, I can only imagine how you feel. I am sure everything is going to be beautiful, no negative thoughts as it will only stress you out more. Good luck with everything.

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Ladies I am getting married July 20 and have decided to not stress anymore. It's not helping anyone and it's only making me cranky. I will post a full review when I get home and hopefully it will alleviate your stresses as well!


I haven't heard from the RIU in almost a month but one way or another we are coming home married! If I have to hire a minister myself and do it in the jungle somewhere it's going to happen!

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JesseLynn, you have the right attitude. I'm nervous but I'm not going to let it stress me out. I have enough stuff to worry about.

Your review will be much anticipated. I wish you a beautiful and happy wedding and look forward to reading your review when you return married. Good Luck!!

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Thank you very much!


I am super detailed person (high school history teacher) and can guarantee you that my review will leave your questions answered!


~Keep Calm and Carry On~

(my mantra these days - was a slogan for the British Government during WWI - how's that for a history nerd for you!)

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Just to ease everyones stress, we got married on June 25 at ROR. The new WC had only been at the resort for a day when we got there and talked to her. She did not have any of our info about our ceremony or flowers or anything. In the end everything turned out to be exactly how we wanted it, she did a great job. Don't worry about a thing.

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I had emailed Christina at the Sales office about this change in WC after I read the initial thread. This is the email she replied to me with about my concerns and reasons for choosing ROR.


On regards to your email below, I would like to inform you that you do not have to be worry about anything, the information is correct Ms. Chandlyn Edwards is not working any longer for Riu, in her position is now Ms. Tina Dunbar who is a very professional person with a lot of experience in the area, please be sure that you will receive a excellent assistance from her


She also has the same email address [email protected]


If you shall require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me



I really hope that everything goes smoothly for all of you. Mine isn't until April 2011 so I am hoping that they have everything ironed out by then and we haven't had contact with the WC yet. It has to be difficult for Tina as well having to jump in and pick up with most likely no transistion of information. Good luck and I cannot wait to hear your reviews!

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I ended up sending an email to [email protected] once I found out Chandlyn had been let go. I wanted to make sure that everything Chandlyn and I had discussed and arranged for the past 6 months was still booked. I received a reply from Natricia within 24 hours and to my relief everything is fine. I don't know why I was worrying so much.

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