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They gave away my wedding date! ( Rant)

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I recieved an e-mail today from the current Wedding co-ordinator at the rose hall beach resort in Jamaica stating ' I was just going through our weddings calendar and I realized that we have your wedding booked for January 20th, 2011 and your file states the 19th and the 19th is booked for another couple, please confirm.'


ALL of the information contract and confirmation files I have recieved in communication from the resort state the 19th EVERYTHING. When I originally did the booking I selected the 20th as an alternative date however that date was never confirmed or mentioned to me.


So having a contract in hand and booking confirmation I have sent our Save the dates AND invitations, all for the 19th. Not to mention any personalized favors I have already purchased.


How is this okay to do? SERIOUSLYhuh.gif I would have been okay to change the date if it had been brought up even two months ago but with approx 6 months left till we are to get married?


I have e-mailed her back saying that unless the other booked couple booked earlier than we did or they are willing to compensate us for our out of pocket expenses by deducting the cost of reprinting from our wedding package I am unwilling to change the date confirmed to me in writing.


I HATE being like this normally I'm very laid back but I've already invested a ton of money in printing things with this exact date on it and to have it changed without so much as a by your leave makes me angry and upset.


I also hate the fact that this whole thing could inconvenience another bride because god knows it's not their fault the hotel screwed up but it doesn't change my situation either.


I am just so upset and stressed right now. Such is life I guess, but if I hadn't already put so much effort into this thing already I feel like just forgetting the whole thing.



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OMG, my heart just started racing reading this. I am set to marry @ the Suites next door and I am about to re-confirm my date as well. This is very unfair, not to mention the added stress on you. I hope they can work it out in your favor or compensate you well.

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Wow this sucks! You definitely handled it well by refusing to change your date unless your are compensated. They should do something to help you especially in the day of BDW, TripAdvisor, and other sites where you can blast the resort for their poor organization and warn other b2bs considering this resort. I'm really sorry this happened to you...keep up the pressure on the resort and hopefully things will work out!

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oh no!! I'm upset for you!!! And this is the reason I have about 3 emails confirming the date. I'm going to ask for more info just to make me feel better. Cause after purchasing things for the wedding i'd be totally peeved!!!! I hope it all gets straightened out asap!!!

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oh no!!! they definately need to give you some sort of refund so that you can re-print everthing! it's good that you have it all in writing for the 19th, that way it's all on the resort. so sorry this is happening, i'm sure they'll fix it for you somehow. keep us posted!

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Wow!! I am speechless. You have every right to be upset and I truly hope the resort does something to make this right for both you, as well as the other couple. Unfortunately someone is going to end up having their date moved and it's so not fair to either of you. Keep us posted on how it all works out.

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Sorry to hear you are going through this. I know how you feel but mine is just a little different. I had gotten an email saying my confirmation was cancled because of non payment and I had e-mailed and called and did hear anything but I kept calling and finally got someone and then she says o well you had to confirmations one that was paid and the other not so we just cancled the other one. Well it would have been nice if someone had let me know because I was going crazy thinking what if someone takes my date and time. But you did the right thing by letting them know that its there fault and they need to fix it.

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