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A week away.. AND No Dress!

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So, I dropped off two dresses 3 weeks ago to the seamstress to get taken in. One was an A-line Satin Bridal Gown that I think was ordered too big in the first place, but then I lost 25lbs since then anyways. The other was a simple gown that I was going to wear for my reception, that only had to be taken in because I lost 10lbs since I bought that. So, she told me that they would be ready on June 20. May I remind you, she picked the date, I didn't, and my wedding is on Saturday, July 3. I figured if she picked the date, it would be a sufficient time for her. So, she told me that she would call me when it's finished. So, the 20th was Sunday. Monday goes by... Tuesday goes by.. Wednesday goes by.. so I call her yesterday to ask her about the dresses. Her: "When do you want to come pick them up!", and I'm thinking they are ready, Me:"I can come tomorrow!". Her:"Oh they aren't ready!", Me: "When will they be ready", Her: "Oh, uhm.. what about next Friday!" WTF are you serious!!! Me:" That's way too late! My flight leaves next THURSDAY!", Her:" Oh what about next Wednesday" Me: "That's cutting it way to close, what if I need additional alterations." Her:"Well do you need both of the dresses?" Me:"Yes! I need them both!" Her:"Well, I can do them for Monday, MAYBE!" Me: "Okay, that's fine!".. Hang up! WTF can I do, I'm beyond pissed! I feel helpless, my husband is sitting next time, and says that he would go up there tomorrow,which is now today, to see if she has even started on the dresses, if not, he's going to find another seamstress that can do it ASAP, but who can do two gowns that fast without charging out the @$$! Everything with this wedding was going so smoothly... I'm so.. OMG

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That is a very tough thing. I would think that as a seamstress she would understand that when dealing with weddings there are tight deadlines, and she needs to prioritize. I really do hope that she does finish it so you dont have to go look for someone else, who will have to pay a lot of money too. Good luck, I know that everything will work out and you will be looking beautiful on your day!

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Oh no, hopefully she has them done when he goes up there or is at least almost finished, If she gave you a finish date they should have been done at that time especially since she picked it. SO sorry you have to deal with this stress right now.

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Ugh! And people wonder why brides get all stressed out! They don't see all the craziness that other people put you through! I would absolutely go over there today and at least try them on to make sure that she has started the alterations. If you don't like they way they look or how she treats you, take the dresses with you and find someone else. It may sound crazy and cost a bit more, but your peace of mind is worth a million dollars.


Maybe shoot a message out to the other BDW brides in the Houston area for some alteration recommendations. Good luck sweetie and keep in mind that everything happens for a reason! *hugs*

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I'm so sorry that you are going through all this stress so close to your wedding date. I think what the other girls have said is a good idea. Do the surprise visit and if she hasnt started anything just take your dresses somewhere else!! I like the idea autojo hadsd,s hout out to some other brides in your area see if they know a good seamstress who can work wonders in a short time without stealing your wallet!! Good luck, I hope everything works out for you!!

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Oh totally check in! I would be freaking out too! It will give your peace of mind to see that's she's started something- hell even pinned it! If not, take them somewhere else and pay to have it done ASAP. I know it totally sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do!

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First, congrats on losing weight! Second, your seamstress is so unprofessional, but that said, I would be careful before taking them somewhere else unless you can be 100% sure the new seamstress can deliver as promised. If you can't find a new seamstress, then for sure dropping in on her unexpectedly would be the best thing as that will put pressure on her to finish them.

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Thanks ladies! I sent my husband, because I tend to cry when I get pissed, and I don't want to stand there blubbering incoherently, before leading into the "evil" phase where the tears dry up and the cursing begins.. (I'm aware of my anger issues).. and my the hubby is more direct and less sympathetic with excuses.. ( he's a Sgt.) .. but not as emotional.

I decided that if both dresses can't be done, it would be easier just to get my white one done and wear that as a wedding dress. It really only needs the hem done since it's too long. I just can't believe this happened...who does this too people!

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