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Who paid for your dress

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My husband and I do just fine financially, and both sets of parents are well aware of that, but they insisted on contributing to the wedding, despite our insistance that we were paying for everything ourselves. Refusing money looks bad (it is after all, a gift), so we graciously accepted. My mom said from day one she wanted to pay for my dress, so that's what she did.

I think each family is different, and in these economic times, I don't think anyone can assume that family can or will contribute to the wedding. My husband and I are very fortunate to have parents that can afford to contribute something and are very giving people.

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I agree with what most of the previous posters have said. I'm personally paying for my dress and although my parents have expressed a desire to help out with the wedding costs I'm not counting on it as they tend to be a little bit flakey when it comes to the details and what they are in fact going to do.


Our philosophy has always been from the beginning, this is our day and our choice to do this therefore it is our responsibility to pay for it. If our parents chose to help out I'll happily accept but I've always had issues about approaching people for money and also have no problem just working within my own budget.

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Has your mom ever said she will help you buy your dress?? If not, you can assume that she will. You need to sit down and talk to her about your plans and see what her plans are. She might have something else planned or she may not.


I am not expecting anything from anyone!! My FI and I will pay for this ourselves. If we get anything from anyone we will happily take it but it our wedding and our decision to have this destination wedding. So in my book...with everyone paying their way to go it's their way of contributing.

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I think my post has been misunderstood by some. I'm not expecting my mom to hand over $$$ just becasue I am getting married. It's the sentimental value. Yes she mentioned before that she would by my dress so I am a little confused. I don't expect anything!!!! I know that this is our wedding and yes we are financial very ok to pay for it all so nothing will change that. I am expecting nothing and if anything does happen than great

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The girls are right, definitely don't assume, that may just cause unnecessary upset when that may not be the case at all.


I paid for every single red cent of my wedding, not one penny was given to us by either side of our families. Like you, my father passed away and I didn't expect any money from anyone and planned on paying for it all myself. My mother did mention that she wants to pay for it and plans to pay me "back" for it. She's going through terrible financial times at the moment.


Good luck, I hope you get it all sorted out!

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Like most of the other ladies that have already left a comment, I am going to be paying for my own dress. It certainly would have been nice of your mom to pay for the dress but I don't think that it is necessarily expected. Idk what kind of relationship you have with her, maybe you could talk to her about it, you never know, she could be planning to help out with the wedding in some other way. My FI and I are paying for our wedding and I don't expect anything from my mom since she has been pretty much been paying my bills for the last year since I have been unemployed. Speak to your mom, I think that will be the best thing. Good luck!

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