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we leave first thing this wed morning!!

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So im gonna use the same opening line as all the other girls who posted they are leaving in x amount of days..... OMG I cant believe that it is finally here!!!!! hahaaa.. everyone says that but it is sOOoo true.. i feel like it was just yesterday that we started planning and i came across this site with all you wonderful girls who have amazing ideas... without this site i would not have thought of hal the creative things i came up with for our wedding!! I just wanted to say a quick thanks to all you girls that have helped me along the way!!!! and im trying to figure out what i am going to do with all of my time when we get back bc i feel like all my time was dedictaed to this wedding and being on this site!! hahaaa

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Hi Christina well I can think of one thing you can do with your time when you get back....POST PICS AND REVIEWS AND HELP FUTURE BRIDES!!!!! I can't believe time has flown so quickly and your time is here already!! Can't wait to read your planning thread and see all of your pics! Have a wonderful, wonderful wedding. I know you'll be a beautiful blushing bride....hey you're in Lindenhurst and at the moment I'm in Sag Harbor, can you fit me in your suitcase? Lol! Just kidding. Have fun and write us when you get back!

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Originally Posted by chrissytina924 View Post
thanks to you both... and yes Janine.. i will def be on here posting pics and a review!! and i will absolutely through you in my suitcase!! I have six so im sure we can make room for you in one of them!! hahaa
LOL! Address please!smile159.gif
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