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Name Change Advice please!!

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Ok, so after much discussion between FH and myself, we have decided to get legally married here in the States before our "wedding" in Mexico. Lots of reasons for this - it's so complicated and expensive to do it in Mexico, we've already postponed our wedding twice and really just want to be married already, etc. We are keeping this between the two of us and our anniversary will be on the date of our wedding in Mexico.


We're planning on getting married here in July. The wedding is in September. Now, here's the part I need advice on; do I do the name change thing now, or can I wait until we get back from Mexico? I have already bought our tickets and have my passport with my current (unmarried) name. I have read that you should wait to change your last name until you get back because if something does not match up it can cause a world of frustration when traveling.


Advice please?

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I would wait. Not even thinking about the travel issues, if you don't consider you married till Mexico, then you shouldn't change your name. My FI and I are getting married in PA before we go to Aruba, but we don't think of ourselves as getting married, just handling some paper work. I don’t want to change my name until we have our ceremony in Aruba.

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I would definitely wait. Getting your tickets reissued would be expensive, if not impossible (they are sticklers now) and you'd have to pay for a new passport. So, honestly, you're better off waiting until September.

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Wait. Changing your name on your tickets and all your ID's would be cumbersome and you want would def want to make sure that it's all taken care of in plenty of time before you leave. I would wait until you got back and are officially married.

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Thanks everyone for the advice. I definitely would prefer to wait. I won't run into any problems legally when we get back though? I'm not sure how that works as far as the paperwork. When I change my name, I just need the marriage certificate, it doesn't matter how many days it's been since we were married before I change my name?

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Definitely wait; it's so not worth the headache of trying to get a new passport & ticket re-issued. You won't have any problems changing it later. Just bring your marriage certificate (the legal one) to the DMV to get your new drivers' license & to the social security office to switch the name on your SS card. I have friends who waited to change their name until after they were pregnant with their first child (like 2-3 years) & others who just waited until their current license expired to change it. None of them had problems either.

Good luck & congrats on your upcoming legal day!

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