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Did anyone send out anything between the STD and the Invite.


I sent my STD out 11Months Prior. I was going to send out my Invites 2-3Months Prior. A lot of people havn't booked yet. I don't think they relize the wedding is only 8 months away. 2011 seems so far away. But flight prices are going up, and the bride is impaitent =)


Would sending out a cute and tastfully wedding reminder be annoying or helpful?


Maybe a Newsletter? I always thought you send those out after the invite when people have booked.

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LoL.. I feel the same way you do, except my wedding is in 4 MONTHS and people are wishing and hoping prices go down. I didnt send anything out in between.. I kinda just asked personally if they are looking into booking...I say dont stress over it...I think sending a reminder personally would annoy me...They know your wedding date and its up to them if they come or not. What can you do....It sux though because you want to do your planning and such and you have no idea your headcount...



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We did not send anything official between the 2. I'm pretty sure the sit and wait is a killer for all B2Bs! I know that it drove DH nutty that people were being flakey. He's pretty annoying and just kept calling and texting people that we wanted at the wedding. Also, when prices changed I made calls to our parents and close friends so they could pass along the news as well as updated our website with the info. It worked out really well and everyone that we wanted at the DW came!

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We're just planning to reduce the time between the Save the Dates and the Invites. That way, it forces people to give us an answer (in an ideal world). We have an "early bird" deadline in November, after which people will have to pay slightly more, so we want to send out the invitations a couple of months before that deadline.

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We sent out our STD"s 12mths in advance. We got a group rate, and so far it is just the 10 rooms that we needed to book at the time to get the rate that are booked. I still have 3 GM that havent book yet!!! Our deadline to have the trip paid for is in sept so I am sending out our invites 3mths before the trip payment deadline to remind people (and hopefully jog some memories, plus get some deposits down) and then after the sept date I might consider doing a news letter or something.


As annoying as it is to wait in between, we just have to. Otherwise we look like pushy bitchy brides. And that will annoy people (for sure it would annoy me) and I wouldnt want to go because of it.


I hope this helps....

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Originally Posted by skadow View Post
Did anyone send out anything between the STD and the Invite.

I sent my STD out 11Months Prior. I was going to send out my Invites 2-3Months Prior. A lot of people havn't booked yet. I don't think they relize the wedding is only 8 months away. 2011 seems so far away. But flight prices are going up, and the bride is impaitent =)

Would sending out a cute and tastfully wedding reminder be annoying or helpful?

Maybe a Newsletter? I always thought you send those out after the invite when people have booked.
I think a wedding website would be perfect for the in between, I also created a Facebook group as 90% of friends and family are on Facebook. I am not soo traditional though and may not be sending invitations.
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You could also do an evite or ecard (we used pingg.com for our official invitation) - it's fast and easy and with some (such as the site we used) you can use your own design. And it's free! We also did a website, but I found that so many people never read it!

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Originally Posted by mlabbe View Post
You could also do an evite or ecard (we used pingg.com for our official invitation) - it's fast and easy and with some (such as the site we used) you can use your own design. And it's free! We also did a website, but I found that so many people never read it!
I agree with Mlabbe, I was going to say just the thing. You can send a gentle e-reminder that prods guests to check out your website for more information. That way its free and you have updated guests on what's going on.
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On a personal note if you put the 'flip flop' on the other foot - if someone sent you something giving you a polite nudge along i think most people would think they are being pushy. People will know your date; but human nature is to wait until they get the cheapest price they can. If you really do want to send something i would maybe do it in the form of a newsletter with details of how your plans are coming along and then mentioned the date at the bottom or something x

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We sent out a letter with travel prices and deadlines in between. I didn't want to give too much info with the std's.


I printed up the letter on beachy stationary I found at Staples. This gave guests a little nudge and 2 months notice of the deadline to book.


Most guests either booked way after the deadline or took care of their own travel.

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