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Boudoir Photos - When to give??

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Hi ladies,


I'm planning on having BD shoot and creating a book for my love. I'm wondering - when/how do you plan to give yours to your fiance? I was thinking I would either give it to him the night before -or- have it delivered to him the day of. My only thought though is that he probably won't want to look at the pics in front of his homeboys...but then again...


So what are you ladies planning to do?

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I'm doing my shoot when I get there so my pics won't be ready probably for another month after that and then I am having his grandfather help me put together the album (his grandfather won't actually be helping, given some of the pics will be a bit racey I am having someone from his store help...they do albums and frames, etc). I am hoping I will be able to give it to FI by January. I know most ladies give theirs to FI the day of while FI is getting dressed or some the night of wedding.

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Im planning on doing the shoot in September and giving the album to FH the day of the wedding. Instead of buying the typical watch brides give thier grooms, Im giving him the album. I dont like the bestman so Ill probably have my MOH deliver the album to him right before the wedding. Ill add a little cute note to it, something to the effect of "Heres something to warm your cold feet. " It wont be worded that way but the message will be the same. wink.gif


I dont think he'll look at it right in front of his boys. I cant imagine him giving his friends the opportunity to see me in "that way". Theyll have that image embedded in their minds forever lol

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From what I've seen posted, it seems like a lot of brides have someone close to the couple (MOH, sibling, or another close friend maybe?) deliver the book to the groom before the ceremony. I've also see that many brides make sure the photographer is nearby to capture the groom's reaction :) love.gif I haven't gotten this far in my planning so I can't speak from experience just yet, lol.

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I was a little out of the norm because I'm pretty body conscious and didn't want anyone else seeing the book. I didn't want to risk it getting pulled out in customs either. So the night before we left, we were packed and ready to go, and decided to bask in the excitement of our upcoming trip. I gave it to him then and we drank the bottle of French champagne from our engagement. It was super romantic and a great way to start our DW :)

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I am giving my FI the album the morning of our wedding. We are spending the night before together and are going to separate after breakfast so I am going to give it to him when we wake up. I want to see his reaction to the book and I don’t want anyone else to see it so I would rather give it to him myself in private.

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