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How getting wedding stuff to resort?

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I'm only bringing down shot glasses and 5lb box of personalized m&m's....I'm just hoping for the best with the resort decoration....I think that I am going to put the m&m's in my checked luggage and the shot glasses are going to be divided amongst the BM's and parents.

Oh, I also have fake flowers for myself and the BM's ... in case the resort doesn't have blue ones... mmmm.... hopefully they can fit in the luggage and not get flatted....

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SInce my 5 year old won't need 2 full bags, I am using one of hers and I am trying to pack light so I don't have to put everything in one bag. I am a bit paranoid if I put all my eggs in one basket so to speak, something will mysteriously happen to the bag. So I am going to try to put the stuff that MUST go down in FI or my bag and the other things in her 2nd bag. Otherwise I would have my mom or grandma bring something down for me.

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  • 5 weeks later...

We are going to have 3 suitcases, a carry-on size luggage (we checked the size requirements of Continental), my dress, and a "personal item" that will be a big shoulder bag. One suitcase will be my FI's, one and 1/2 will be my travel stuff, 1/2 of the suitcase will be the unbreakable wedding stuff, and the carry-on luggage will be all the breakable sutff and anything that didn't fit into the suitcases. My carry-on will be my dress and my personal item will be my big bag with all the usual travel stuff my FI and I carry on when we fly.



And if we run out of room either because I packed too much or the weight limits I am going to give some stuff to my parents.

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  • 2 months later...

My resort advised me not to send anything there because sometimes luggae can get "lost" etc, so I have to pack suitcases as well. I have yet to book my flight, trying to wait for after the holidays. Hopefully it all works out. I can already tell I'm going to be stressed about this..crybaby2.gif

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