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Looking for a Maid!!


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Originally Posted by autjo View Post
LOL. It doesn't get any better! We actually hired a maid to come every other week AFTER the wedding! DH hates cleaning and I hate nagging, so the $$ for a maid keeps us sane... makes us stay picked up and organized or else they can't clean.

Good luck finding a great maid MysTea!
UUUGGGGGH! every other WEEKhuh.gif? Geesh...I am sooo Not prepared! what will I do when i have kids!?smile27.gif
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Hahahahahaa I'm hoping that when we have kids something changes and all of a sudden I can cook and clean LOL fryingpan.gif


Originally Posted by mareW9 View Post
We've been having someone come once a month at least... I think it's the secret to a happy relationship... I just wish someone would cook for us! I keep thinking the same thing though - what will happen when we have kids??
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it will only get worse with kids- trust me, you have no time to clean! We went from a family of 2 to now a family of 3 (soon-to-be 4) and went from a 1,200 sq ft home to a 3,700. I need a maid ASAP sad.gif But, I'm trying to do the responsible thing since we have so many expenses coming up with a new baby and wait for a while to hire a house keeper. I want to pay off my student loans and my car before I am willing to splurge on a cleaner. In the mean time, I only clean what I really have to and it's never all really done sad.gif

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Oh my! Ladies you are all so funny!!. I was thinking the same things, things are so crazy for us now. I can't imagine when we start a family. I already told FI it would be impossible for me to do it all. I can clean and do house stuff if I stay at home but when I go back to work we will need a maid! I guess I'm not like the ladies from my mother's generation- she's a superwoman and she did it all.

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Originally Posted by autjo View Post
Hahahahahaa I'm hoping that when we have kids something changes and all of a sudden I can cook and clean LOL fryingpan.gif
:) I was hoping he would suddenly want to cook and clean... Really wishful thinking! But he beats me home from work all the time b/c he works closer to home.
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Originally Posted by mareW9 View Post
:) I was hoping he would suddenly want to cook and clean... Really wishful thinking! But he beats me home from work all the time b/c he works closer to home.
fryingpan.gif <-----Just do that to him the next time he doesnt think to at least start boiling the water...LOL.

And make sure you call me so I can watch!popcorn.gif
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