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venting bride to be about neg. guest comments


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Originally Posted by Helen_S81 View Post
I've heard a few negative comments such as "I just wouldn't expect my guests to have to pay anything to attend my daughters wedding".
I can't believe people have said this to you. that's crazy to think the parents will pay for everyone to attend. if they did that, everyone would want to go & the thing people would start getting pissed about is that they weren't invited.

Many of us have to fly to other states to attend wedding. Do we expect them to pay for our flight or hotel? No way!

I do think it's a great way to weed out the negative people. You know, if they got a free trip they'd probably complain about the room, flight, food, etc. Some people will always complain no matter what.
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it's great to see that others are having the same issues as us...


i've heard that we're inconsiderate for having our wedding away...

selfish for having it on halloween....because what about the kids....(wtf...we don't have kids)

i hope you don't plan on getting a shower....destination weddings don't get showers....this was from my own sister!

don't expect a gift.....


i must say everything but my sister's comment has come from HIS family...

i know they just want to have a good old catholic wedding and a reception at a hotel just like the rest of the family............NO, i want something different and when they are shelling out for then they can say where we're having our wedding...


my family is quit the opposite, my extended family is so excited that it's not a "normal" wedding!


you'll never please them all....so just please yourself, those who love you will be there. that's what keeps me from getting frustrated over it.

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It IS amazing how rude people can be, right?


Just let it roll off your shoulders.

If someone say something like that to you, just smile and say that is what you have always wanted (a DW).


You do not owe them an explanation or anything.

If they can't make it, too bad.

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I love this thread because I can so relate to it! It took me the longest time to convince my MILF that I was not going to get re-married when I returned! Her exact words were "well, it's not like the wedding in Jamaica really counts as a wedding." She expected us to have a full blown ceremony when we returned with a flower girl, ring bearer, etc. She still expects us to have a big AHR when we return that is catered. I don't think there is any getting out of the AHR, but I put my foot down when it came to not having another ceremony (and that is a day I wish to forget!). I told FI though that if she wants an AHR so much then she can pay for it. I figured we'd have a little backyard BBQ or something but apparently that's selfish of us. I'm a freakin' poor student....I'm the one that's selfish!? I don't get her train of thought at all. I'm always negotiating with her on how my wedding is going to be! It's ridiculous! Ok...there is my rant for the day! lol!

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What is great about these forums is that feeling of "Oh, it happens to other people too" I guess the negative comments will come no matter what you are doing . . . Just let them slide off you, and use the old NOD AND SMILE to let them know you just don't care what they say.msnwink.gif

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Originally Posted by luv2love View Post
Her exact words were "well, it's not like the wedding in Jamaica really counts as a wedding." !
OMGOSH! It's things like that that really burn me! I would have a hard time keeping a straight face if someone said that to me! OF COURSE IT COUNTS!!!!!! My mom also wanted us to do an at-home reception when we got back from Dom. Rep. for the people who will not attend. I said, Um, no.
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