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venting bride to be about neg. guest comments


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Originally Posted by luv2love View Post
"well, it's not like the wedding in Jamaica really counts as a wedding."
My aunt and uncle from my dad's side (who I did not invite to the wedding!) cornered me at my grandparents 50th Anniversary on my mom's side and said something along these lines. It was more "Your wedding will not be real because no one that loves you will go." I said "Well I'm sorry you feel that way but our parents will be there and that's what mattered to us." I was seethingly pissed too but I kept myself calm because of where I was. They then proceeded to say I'm only having a DW because my mom manipulated me. I so wanted to say "No it's so I don't have to invite you a$$holes."

I have seen them like twice since I was 14. Give me a break. Don't act like you have been involved in every important day in my life and this is the only one you will miss.

Whew! Finally got to rage on that one. You are not alone girls. Keep your chins up and let the haters hate on.
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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
My aunt and uncle from my dad's side (who I did not invite to the wedding!) cornered me at my grandparents 50th Anniversary on my mom's side and said something along these lines. It was more "Your wedding will not be real because no one that loves you will go." I said "Well I'm sorry you feel that way but our parents will be there and that's what mattered to us." I was seethingly pissed too but I kept myself calm because of where I was. They then proceeded to say I'm only having a DW because my mom manipulated me. I so wanted to say "No it's so I don't have to invite you a$$holes."

I have seen them like twice since I was 14. Give me a break. Don't act like you have been involved in every important day in my life and this is the only one you will miss.

Whew! Finally got to rage on that one. You are not alone girls. Keep your chins up and let the haters hate on.
omg rach, that is SO ridiculous. why is it that aunts and uncles with no involvement in our lives feel like our weddings are all about them?!

my latest hitch is that my FSIL informed me today that she was inviting 5 friends because she doesnt have a boyfriend. WTF. you CANT invite people to SOMEONE ELSE'S wedding! she said she was going to pay my FMIL per person (so obviously she doesnt realize that its over $200/head) to make up for it, and i wanted to scream at her, but i decided yes im ticked off because who the f does she think she is inviting people to my wedding when i didnt allow my parents to invite and friends, so im sure as censored.gif not allowing HER! but that i am going to pass this one on to my FI to deal with, because i know he will not stand for it. our guest list is already waaaaaaaaay out of hand due to his parents inviting 100+ people from mexico alone. as soon as they were paying for the reception, 50+ people were added to their guest list they gave us. i dont think so!!!
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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
Oh. My. Goodness Rachel! That lady is NUTS!!! Who would say that?
I know I later told my grandparents what they said and my grandpa was like "Why didn't you tell me? I would have given them a piece of my mind!" I just laughed. It was their 50th anniversary. No need for useless drama like that.
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Originally Posted by mauraw View Post
omg rach, that is SO ridiculous. why is it that aunts and uncles with no involvement in our lives feel like our weddings are all about them?!

my latest hitch is that my FSIL informed me today that she was inviting 5 friends because she doesnt have a boyfriend. WTF. you CANT invite people to SOMEONE ELSE'S wedding! she said she was going to pay my FMIL per person (so obviously she doesnt realize that its over $200/head) to make up for it, and i wanted to scream at her, but i decided yes im ticked off because who the f does she think she is inviting people to my wedding when i didnt allow my parents to invite and friends, so im sure as censored.gif not allowing HER! but that i am going to pass this one on to my FI to deal with, because i know he will not stand for it. our guest list is already waaaaaaaaay out of hand due to his parents inviting 100+ people from mexico alone. as soon as they were paying for the reception, 50+ people were added to their guest list they gave us. i dont think so!!!
haha Maura. I bet you can't wait to get married already. You have had so many headaches to deal with. Luckily for me, mine has been relatively smooth sailing with a few disappoints here and there. Otherwise I may have needed some serious tranquilizers. I have ZERO patience.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not that I am glad you are all having problems, but it does make me feel better that it is not just me. My FMIL had the nerve to say... "a destination wedding huh? Well I hope the destination is Virginia." Then her mother said "people have some nerve to have a party and expect you to pay for it"


Ewwwwwwwwwww! So I think I'll have to remember the comment about "my wedding" so that I can give them back a little of the sh*t they have been giving me.

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