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I notice that most of you have your own logo printed on your OTT bags, luggage tags, etc...

Did you design it yourself? Have it designed by someone else?


I'm trying to figure out whether I could do my own or not... I don't have access to Photoshop, not that I would know how to use it anyways, but I do have access to Microsoft Publisher... if that is any good.


Does anyone have any tips?

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You can definitely design one on your own or get someone to make one for you. There is a thread on how to create a logo in powerpoint I think. Maybe check DIY forum? Not sure but I think it' there. I created mine, it took me about three or four days to get it right. I created it in Illustrator though. I had never used it before, so that is why it took me that long to create the logo. If you know the software, it is a pretty simple thing.

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