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T&C Specific Packing List


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I saw a bunch of packing lists on the other sections of the forums, however it is meddeled with stuff that is needed for mexico or other destinations.


I wanted to get a packing list from T&C brides and tell me things you wish you would have brought and things you were glad you brought.


I want it specifically for T&C....Thanks :)

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Ha, I agree with Kelly! I got bit like crazy & I had bug spray but I only brought a travel bottle & wish I would have brought a larger one. I also only brought 2 cans of spray suntan lotion (only one my husband would use) and we ran out so bring about 4 or 5 cans if you are staying 8-10 days. Depending on where you are snorkeling or if you are at a resort we were definitely glad we brought our own snorkel gear plus ours was a better quality. Overall thought, this is like any of the islands. It does get a little windy by the ocean but I never thought it was cold however my husbands mom did (she's always cold).



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The joke for packing to come here is to take 1/2 the clothes and twice the amount of money (unless you're at Beaches, then it's included)...LOL


Good suggestions so far. Take 2-3 times the amount of sunscreen you think you will need...the sun is strong (and reflected off the white beach and the water, it is amplified). You don't want to be burnt and crispy for your wedding day...err on the side of paler when slathering on the cream! Sunscreen is quite expensive here, and there are some brands you can't get. I live in the long sleeved sun/swim shirts from Land's End (great alternative from Sunscreen). Buy high SPF, you will get sun I promise.


Bug Spray: we normally don't have a ton of mosquitoes and no see'ums (tiny little biting things you really can't see) but we have had the equivalent of about 7 months of rainfall in 2 weeks (mainly at night and lots of sunny days, only one day this month has been a wash out). We are normally a dry island hence the no bug thing but with all of this rain the mosquitoes are out. Most resorts do spray, but I find wearing long lightweight pants outside in evening help and the light scented Off (with DEET) does the trick for the ones that escape.


One interesting fact about bug bites a Doctor told me years ago is that everyone gets bitten, but some people react more than others (histimine reaction). People that think the bugs love them actually are just more sensitive to bites. When I am bitten, I notice it for a few minutes then back to normal, my daughter looks like she has the chicken pox. So if you are one of those that react, pick up some topical benydryl lotion or gel to keep the reaction down. (that stuff is expensive here too)


Essentially if it is a cream/lotion or toiletry item or medicine/pain reliever/allergy tablets, pack it, don't plan on buying it, things like that can be twice as much here. Other than that I can't think of anything else you need...bathing suit, a few clothes, maybe a lightweight wrap or sweater for Air conditioned dining.



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Funny you mentioned the weather cause I just checked the weather in Turks and Caicos (We leave June 14th) and it's raining non stop. What happened to 350 days of sunshine? It didn't even cross my mind to plan for a rainy day on my wedding. I have no idea WHAT to do now........


Krys, we booked Tropical Imaging for our wedding. How do they handle weather situations? I am super nervous now..


Is there any reason to pack sneakers or jeans?

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First of all don't worry and don't panic. If you look at our weather report any given week they 90% of the time show rain. In fact they showed rain almost every day from November to April, and we didn't have a drop (I know this because all of our water at our house comes from rainfall on the roof into a 45000 gallon cistern under our house, if we don't get rain, we don't have water for the house and our cistern got seriously low. we were contemplating buying water in April which has only happened once in 12 years). The weather shows rain today and it has been sunny (hard core sunburn sunny) all day. Here on the south of the island right now I see a trail of clouds which means we may get a shower on the south side, but the north side (Grace Bay) is crystal clear.


What does that mean for you...highly unlikely you'll get rain and if you do it will be a quick (less than 1 hour) bit of rain with the rest of the day being sunny. In the past 8 months we have only had one day where it rained all day to the point of way too much rain (and that was something I haven't seen in 15 years). We had a wedding that day and they opted to go ahead with the wedding. But we're versatile and because the island isn't a packed tourist destination you'll find vendors adjusting fairly easily if you want to postpone.


Just to ease your mind:


1) Highly unlikely it will rain (stop looking on the weather sites, if you look for your own hometown it will probably show rain regularly too...) If there is rain, most likely it will be a quick 10-15 minute shower and may not even be in Grace Bay.


2) If it is raining, at least where the photos are concerned we have always worked with the bride. Because we have more than one photographer on our team, we can adjust schedules to get you the photos you want. If that means you postpone your wedding or if you just want to do some photos another time, we'll sort it out. Most venues will have a plan B and plan C as well.


Andy actually just posted a wedding a few days ago

The forecast for this couple is looking good! | Brilliant by Tropical Imaging

There was rain on and off during the day but look at the spectacular sunset they got and beautiful skies!


You'll be fine! Bring lots of sunscreen, we have so many more brides dealing with sunburn than rain!!!LOL



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I'm glad I saw this I was wondering about the whole bug situation. I know in Trinidad where I am from mosquitoes eat people for breakfast..lol! No seriously its bad....probably cause of all the swamp and marsh land. I was thinking of including bug spray in the survival kits. I think I will just for safe measure. My wedding will be in Novemeber after hurricane season and I have been praying every day that it will be sunny. So far I think I have everything mentioned...well except benadryl.

Kathf: good luck with your wedding its one week or so away! Can't wait to see your reviews and pics when you get back.

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In all honesty we use bug spray maybe a total of 4-5 weeks combined during the whole year. Usually about 10 days after a rain storm they come out and then about a week later they're gone. But if you react to bites, the no see'ums seem to be the main bad guys and that is really mainly at dawn and dusk. During the day, we don't ever notice. The past 2 weeks is the first time I've had the Off out since probably last September.


Oh yes, the clouds I was talking about have passed over, taking the edge off of the heat giving a bit of shade and no rain. Except for one day two weeks ago, 95% of the rain has been between midnight and 5 am, with a few scattered showers during the day every once and awhile! So remember...don't worry, bring lots of sunscreen!




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I am VERY sensitive to bugs then Krys!!!! hehe I look like I have chicken pox on my legs from all the bug bites I got while in T&C. They are just now starting to go down! :) I recommend something lightly scented with DEET too.


As far as the weather goes, we were there for 7 days, it rained two of the days (one of them being my wedding day...ahhh I know!) but it stopped and the beautiful skies, a breeze, and a breathtaking sunset follow suit. The other days it was blazing hot and beautiful!!!!!!


Also bring enough toiletries, as well as a beach bag, enough sunscreen (the spray kind goes fast!), and a fold down or collapsable cooler. :)

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