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To use a TA or not?

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I was just wondering how many people are using a travel agent and how many are allowing their guests to book their own travel arrangements? The prices that I am being quoted by a TA are higher than the if the guests waited a couple of months before the wedding to book on their own. I have already booked the wedding date with the resort so that is already taken care of. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks

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I will contact a TA to see what they quote and go from there, if the price is fair i will use them and i will put their info in my invitations but i will let my guests know they are welcome to book their stay any way they want, the TA will be there if they don't have time to look around themselves.

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There have been multiple discussions about this very topic so I'm closing this thread.


Make sure to search for general topics such as this before starting a new thread. If you need assistance with searching just check out the FAQ's in my signature.


I did a quick search for "travel agent" and found these, but there are more!:









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