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What do I do now?!?

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Ladies I thought I would give you an update. Unfortunately I have gotten no where and I am still waiting. I did call the everyone and anyone I could think of even the Cuban embassy here, but to no avail. All I am able to do it wait. I find this very difficult to deal with. I have been dealing with depression for that last two and a half years and this is definitely not helping. Somedays are easier and others well. Thank God that they eventually do end. I am hoping that it is found and delivered before our 1st anniversary! I am at a loss. I am sorry ladies I wish I had better news.

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That truly sucks! If they don't find your paperwork by your one year anniversary, maybe you can celebrate by "renewing" your vows here at home on the same date. That way, you will have legal paperwork and the same date. You and hubby can plan a romantic weekend, at home or away (Vegas, Hilton Head, Niagara Falls) and do it there. You know that your marriage is not a farce and that's what counts! What do you think?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi ladies.  Well, I continue to wait and have now been told that they are trying to go thru the military to get more information.  How this will help I am not sure.  


My wonderful hubby and I have discussed it and we will do what msglave has suggested (great idea, thank-you).  Niagara falls here we come!!!   It will either be to "renew" our vows or celebrate our one year  anniversary!!!!  So I may very well be back on here on a regular basis to plan our "elopement"!!!!!  


Sometimes I wish life were slightly less interesting!!!!   Boring can be very good!

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