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who can give u away....

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Those of you may have seen my recent posts and family dilemas!! grrr!!


So this has got me and FI wondering is there a general rule of who can give u away, walk u down the aisle etc??


Apart from my dad obv??


but if someone else was to give me away if my family couldn't be there?


TBH, there is only two people in the world I would want to give me away..... they already have roles....MOH and Bestmanhuh.gif Is this super strange? actually make that 3!! My uncle is the other and under no circumstances would he travel or fly for it no matter how much we tried to talk hi into it!! I respect that? I wouldn't make him do it!! :) long story but he's never liked flying and really couldn't handle it at his age now!!



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No general rule at all! This is such a personal decision. Go with whoever you want or maybe don't have anyone at all. Again- even if there was a general rule, it should be ignored because it would be a bad one.


You could even have the MOH and Best Man walk you since you are close to both. It would be no different than the mom and dad pairing- well except it's not your parents. :) I just meant asthetically looking.

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i've even heard of couples who walk down the aisle together!! it really depends on what makes YOU comfortable. walk by yourself, with FI, with MOH, with BM...it's all up to YOU because its YOUR day!!!! in the end, you'll be marrying your love and that's all that really matters :)

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