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2 weeks 2 long?


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Thanks girls!!! I feel SO much better about my decision, you really affirmed what I was initially thinking when I planned our trip :)


josietoms, reading your last post is really making me want to be "bored" right now too... especially since the weather is so crappy here today... can't wait to go to Mexico!

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We stayed at the same resort in Punta Cana for 10 nights (this was just for our honeymoon, we got married in St. Lucia) and to be honest, it did get a little long. I think switching resorts for the second week would make your honeymoon feel a little more special. Don't get me wrong, I was perfectly happy to be on the beach and could've stayed longer, but I would recommend switching things up.

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Hi Angela! I think that you will be absolutely fine staying at DRC for 2 weeks! We were at DRC for 7 nights (got there 4 days before the wedding) and it didn't feel like a long enough time. We were so busy the first few days finalizing the wedding stuff (met with Ana, the DJ, etc) and then all of our friends and family came, that we didn't really have a lot of time to relax and enjoy the resort. We went to Excellence Riviera afterwards for 5 nights and we wished we were back at DRC. The resort was just not as nice and we were kind of disappointed. However, we didn't spend a ton of time there because we were out exploring and going on excursions so we still had a lot of fun. So, long story short :)...I would vote to stay at DRC for the whole time! Hope that helps you!!

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I think two weeks is wonderful! The time before, during and just after the wedding will fly by so fast it will be a blur! The second week will be for relaxing, unwinding, and getting to know each other as a married couple!

Maybe it is because I am a travel agent, but I know for me, the chance to make a hotel switch for the second week would really appeal. Even if you are taking off each day for different excursions and little side trips, there is something fun about moving to a different resort, and discover new pools, a different beach, new restaurants, a new look to the room, an new view... to me that is part of the fun.

If you are further to the north for the beginning, why not switch and move to a property in the south in Playa Del Carmen or below, or maybe even out to Cozumel or Isla Mujeres for a few days?

When I got married in Hawaii we married on the big island with all the family and friends, then after the wedding moved to Kauai with just a couple friends along, then moved again to Molokai for a few days of all alone together time. It was a perfect way for us!

I would be happy to give you some suggestions if you choose to make an after the wedding move!

TA Wendy

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