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How far in advance? *help*

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I was just wondering how far in advance is recommended for booking a destination wedding and hotel. I asked my travel agent for prices for next April but she said they weren't available yet. I see people posting they have their wedding dates booked for next year already, so I was just wondering how far in advance should everything be booked. And do you book your vacation before you confirm your wedding date?


Also, how many days did you get married (or plan on getting married) after you arrived at your resort? We are thinking about doing all of the legal stuff here before we go, but I didn't know if people usually waited a few days before their actual wedding day.


Sorry for so many questions but I am feeling a little lost!

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Hi Jerzshortstuff,

You should be booked already. Especially for an April wedding due to it being peak season for vacationers. Even if the travel dates aren't out yet, get it booked ASAP. My wedding is October 2011 and I have my venue booked. There really is no timeline. However, if you really have your heart set on a particular venue and/or want to do the destination wedding, book now. When you say vacation are you referring to Honeymoon?


I'm staying for a total of 7 days. Then we're off to our honeymoon. We love vacationing and normally go away for 2 weeks at a time. It's your choice and how flexible your time is as far as work is concerned. I'm doing the legal stuff here too. You won't have to worry about translating the marriage certificate and all the money that will be spent by the time it's all said and done. No one will know but you and you're hubby, if you choose to do it this way. You can celebrate your mexico wedding date for your wedding anniversary, as opposed to your official wedding date. Yes, you can marry a few days before.


I Hope I've answered your questions. If you have further, just ask! That's what this forum is for and all the brides on here are always willing and able to help.

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Like Diamondgirl said I think you should be booking very soon for next April.. If you have a date in mind you don't want to be disappointed. We booked a little more than one year before to secure our date and send out std's. We didn;t book travel until about 10 months before.

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We are not set on any particular resort since it will all be based on pricing for us. I meant vacation, as in the time you were at the resort for your wedding/honeymoon. From what it seems, you book your wedding date before you book your actual trip(vacation) with the resort? We are looking at the end of April/beginning of May so hopefully we won't run into too many problems since we aren't booked yet lol! The actual date doesn't matter since we are doing legal stuff here before we go. I guess I am being way too laid back about the whole thing hehe.... Thank you so much for your help!

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Hey Jerzshortstuff,


I know exactly how you feel since I was in your position a few weeks ago. Its sometimes overwhelming with all the information .. this is what I did.

first find a resort that you really want to get married in. Second, Request for a wedding date that you want. The resort might even ask you about how many guests you're having and if they offer a wedding package, which one would you want.

Then the resort will get back to you whether if that date is available or not.

After that, you will need to confirm with the resort if you want to reserve that date. (my resort is giving me 3 months to confirm the date I requested. When I confirm, I should have a reservation set for that hotel as well. Each resort can be different on how they book weddings)

My suggestion is to find a travel agent that has experience with destination weddings and the location you want. I've been in constant contact with my TA, who will give me pricing any minute now on hotel rates and airfare. Once we get the rates, my TA will book our reservation with the hotel then I can confirm on the final date.

Hope this helps. =)

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Another forum member posted a schedule for wedding planning yesterday I think. It was really good and can prove invaluable to know when you should be doing what as pertains to a DW. You can do a search to find it, sorry I don't know how to move over the link to another thread.

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Jerzhotstuff, our wedding is in April and we booked this past week. If your travel agent tells you prices are not out yet, go to another one, seriously. Prices ARE out. Prices come out 11-12 months ahead. Now, not all carriers will have all of their prices and flights scheduled...so there will be more choice and prices will likely come down a bit by the Fall but for you and you grown, book now if you want to get your first choice! Goodluck.

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My wedding is February 10, 2011 and the resort still hasn't released prices - they are telling me May 25th ------ and the company we chose to work with requires payment in full 60 days prior to travel - so all my guests have to be paid by December 1, 2010 --- they get about 6 months notice - ouch

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