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Payment method for ROR question

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I think I read this somewhere on here, but I want to make sure:


When I pay for the photography at ROR (using the shop at the resort) and Chandelle for the "free" package and our upgrades.....I can only pay with cash? They do not accept credit cards or checks.

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I think the photographer will not take a credit card, but I just received an "extras" price list from chandlyn and it states that all the extras like steel drum, reception, cake, decorations etc, can be paid by cash, credit card, or travelers checks. However, I'm not sure if you will incure a extra fee for the credit card.

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Hey-I just got married last week.

The photoshop do not accept credit card...we paid with american travellers cheques...they accept american money only.


As for Chandlyn, we paid for everything in cash and travelers cheques......we went to the bank before we went and got loads of travelers cheques-I pretty much knew everything I had to pay-there were no surprise cost...HOWEVER....I do remember sitting down with her, and she was doing it all up-there were only particular things that we COULD use credit cards with,t hen other things HAD to be cash-I didnt pay attention tho cause I wasnt using credit card....I think it may have been for outside vendors, like the steel drum band, speaks, and flowers? Sorry I cant be more help-email her...SHE ALWAYS wrote me back in a day or 2....short and sweet n got to the point.

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