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I have to brag for a second

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OK Im going to be one of those annoying parents saying how cute my kid is.lol


So were going away tommorow and not coming back till Monday. Im trying to get everything cleaned up in the house before we go. So Im in the kitchen trying to clean the coffee maker and BAM drop the filter full of coffee grinds on the ground. So I go to get a cloth to clean it and Rayden runs into the living room, opens a drawer and grabs a piece of bright orange tissue paper. He runs back into the kitchen and gets on his hands and knees and starts scrubbing at the mess!! Of course he made the mess 10 times worse, but he tried so hard to help his mommy clean it up!!

OK Im done bragging now! blush2.gif

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Originally Posted by RaydensMama View Post
OK Im going to be one of those annoying parents saying how cute my kid is.lol

So were going away tommorow and not coming back till Monday. Im trying to get everything cleaned up in the house before we go. So Im in the kitchen trying to clean the coffee maker and BAM drop the filter full of coffee grinds on the ground. So I go to get a cloth to clean it and Rayden runs into the living room, opens a drawer and grabs a piece of bright orange tissue paper. He runs back into the kitchen and gets on his hands and knees and starts scrubbing at the mess!! Of course he made the mess 10 times worse, but he tried so hard to help his mommy clean it up!!
OK Im done bragging now! blush2.gif
That is soo cute. Its funny what kids pick up on and you had no idea they even noticed.

My niece (Ava) is a clean freak and she is 22 months old. She goes into the middle bedroom in my house (this is where I keep all the boxes I have yet to unpack and things I don't know where to put), and says "its a mess, Julie clean it up, Ava will help K". So, I know how you are feeling, I had that melting moment then as well.

Rayden is so cute, you must have just wanted to squeeze him when he did that.
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Julie that is too cute! Rayden is a neat freak too and I have no idea where he gets it from.lol Whenever I change his diaper he grabs it and throws it in the garbage, he always throws his popsicle sticks in the sink and when he finishes his bottle he puts it on the ledge so I will take it when I go upstairs.lol Its really funny to watch someone so little do these things.

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Originally Posted by RaydensMama View Post
Julie that is too cute! Rayden is a neat freak too and I have no idea where he gets it from.lol Whenever I change his diaper he grabs it and throws it in the garbage, he always throws his popsicle sticks in the sink and when he finishes his bottle he puts it on the ledge so I will take it when I go upstairs.lol Its really funny to watch someone so little do these things.
OMG, that is sooo cute. What a sweetie. He is trying to be a big boy and help out his mommy. I love it. How old is he?
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Originally Posted by RaydensMama View Post
He will be 18 months on the 12th of August. I just hope he always wants to be this helpful.lol
Wow, that is really great for his age. The little boys in my family, my nephew is 21 months and my brother was the same way, make all the mess and are a lot of work to deal with. I hope my nephew starts to help out his mommy soon. What a good little boy you have there. Congratulations.
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