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So You Think You Can Dance, Season 7!


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Hmmm, I'm an episode behind, so can't say about the latest show, but I was SUPER shocked to see them lose Anthony. I also don't understand it. They say they look for 3 three things: dance, personality and the right looks (since it IS a tv show). He had all 3 of those in plentitude. He was SMOKING hot, a great dancer (event old he was the only man dancing among children) and he had a good personality! He's like the only one that was a manly dancer. Every guy that's left is on the small side and possibly a little feminine. That's a big thing for Nigel, so I'm confused on why he would lose the only big strong (hot) body. Sorry, couldn't resist the hot, b/c wow. They didn't give any reasons, so I'm really confused on that decision there.


I think my early favorite for girls is Lauren (bubbly blond) and Melinda (tapper) and the guys I have no fave yet, but it will probably be Jose since he's a bboy.


Oh and BULLSHIT that they made it 6 boys for Billy Bell! He did NOT prove himself during this competition until his last solo and they kept keeping him on b/c of what they knew he could do. If I was a female that got cut, I'd be so pissed that they took an extra guy. If I didn't love this show so much, it's bs like this that makes me lose interest in the show.


Of course, unless the person who posted that maybe he had a terminal illness or something and they're granting him a wish. Although, if that was the case, I still think they should've stuck to 5 guys and 5 girls. Or at least even it up to be 6 and 6.

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Carly, I agree with everything you are saying! Ok ladies, I've watched it so chat away! thanks for waiting for me to catch up!

I totally agree, I can't tell which ones are the new ones and which ones are the old ones. My fav girls are the same too Carly, Lauren and Melinda. Melinda is suprisingly awesome! I was so nervous because of what happened to the tappers last year. But she is great. IDK about the Boys because I loved Anthony. I gotta wait and see.

anyone else love Cat Deeleyhuh.gif She is so cute and I think she does a great job.

The routines were awesome though and I'm excited because I can feel that the level of choreography is going to be elevated this year.

Also, I am obsessed with Wade Robson routines? They are so recognizable, but they are freaking awesome! I hope Mandy Moore does some routines this year as well.

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Originally Posted by diamondpooch View Post
Carly, I agree with everything you are saying! Ok ladies, I've watched it so chat away! thanks for waiting for me to catch up!
I totally agree, I can't tell which ones are the new ones and which ones are the old ones. My fav girls are the same too Carly, Lauren and Melinda. Melinda is suprisingly awesome! I was so nervous because of what happened to the tappers last year. But she is great. IDK about the Boys because I loved Anthony. I gotta wait and see.
anyone else love Cat Deeleyhuh.gif She is so cute and I think she does a great job.
The routines were awesome though and I'm excited because I can feel that the level of choreography is going to be elevated this year.
Also, I am obsessed with Wade Robson routines? They are so recognizable, but they are freaking awesome! I hope Mandy Moore does some routines this year as well.
I LOOOOVE Cat!!!! I keep telling my husband I want to be her!

Definitely hard to tell who was who - Loved the routine with Pascha (I love him) was that hot or what?
I can understand if they do couples - one star one newbie, but the groups on stage, although they looked and danced phenomenally well - make it hard to judge people on their own merit.
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Originally Posted by Cassie View Post
So yeah I didn't like the way they did the show at all. I mean I loved seeing the old dancers and the dances were really awesome but was it just me or was it hard to tell which ones are the new dancers from the all-stars? Especially when it was like a group of all girls and wearing the same outfits. I don't know, maybe next week when the competition actually starts it will be differnent. Guess we'll see.
Cassie I totally agree with you! It was a bit hard to figure out which dancers were the new ones and which the all stars! I don't think I am going to like this new format at all!
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  • 2 weeks later...

So, now that we have had a competition week, I am starting to like the new format. That contemporary piece from Sonja was amaaaaazziiinngg!!!

I think they were spot on with eliminating Alexi. I never thought she should have been chosen in the first place. She's good, but not THAT good.

I think Christina should be next to go. I think a guy will win this year, do you?

I think the routine Billy Bell had to do (Tyce DiOrio jazz) was not up to his skill level and didn't showcase his talent at all.

But, I'm in love with Kent. He is so sweet and innocent. He's my fav guy now.

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Yeah, Kent is really adorable. He's so sweet, innocent and naive. I'm totally drawing a blank on the routines though!


Oh and I am not a Billy Bell fan. I don't know if it's all b/c they made an exception for him and made it a top 11, which I 100% do NOT agree with, or if I really don't like him. either way, I hope he doesn't win.

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Yah I think I have to agree with you Carly - I don't really like Billy Bell that much either. I won't deny that he's got talent (certainly he can do things that I can't!) but I have no attraction to his dancing at all. Haha - there's no connection with this audience!


Sonya's routines are SO easy to identify because of her unique style and I LOVE them too! It was perfect that they brought Mark back to do that routine because he really is awesome at them. And Tyce, oh Tyce, I love that guy!!! Oooh, and I can't wait to see what Travis puts together for a routine this season too! He was absolutely a favourite through the past few seasons.

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I'm liking the new format better than I thought I would. I did think going to the hometown was a little cheesy!


I'm ok with Alexi being gone, but really it is so dependent on the routine! I think she could have done really well with a contemporary routine (like the one with Christina and Mark) and Billy Bell (that I do not like) would not have been great with hip hop. I think Jose will be gone pretty soon as things get harder.


Kent is my second favorite cause he's a cutie patootie but I do wonder if he will be like Evan from a few seasons back, that wasn't the best dancer, but was a crowd pleaser. I also really like Robert. He seems really genuine and he has technical skill but he's also big enough to do some of the fancy lifts. I don't picture Billy Bell being strong, kwim?


Alex is my favorite though! He is so amazing to watch and that Sonya routine was perfect!


This season seems to be all about the boys. None of the girls are really sticking out to me. I think tapper girl will be next or Christina. Tapper girl irritates me with the "Im and actress and a performer" crap. Um, you say it every episode so yeah, America does know that about you!

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Wednesday wasn't as good for me this week as it was last week.


I was sad to see Christina go. I didn't think she would be around too much longer but I am not liking Melinda at all! Her "Avatar: The Dance" did nothing for me and those red pants for her solo were enough to get her booted!


I was super shocked that Billy Bell was not in the bottom 3 and Robert(o) was instead!

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