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Originally Posted by JenniferM View Post

Does anyone know for the BBQ menu that is offered for private events, are all of the items listed included or is it pick and choose? So for example will we need to choose to meats and two veggies, etc.


We did the petit gormet which is very similar to the BBQ and it was fantastic!  There was as TON of food!  We did not do a cake either because we already had so many other choices.  I loved that they were there cooking the meat and it was not precooked!  My favorite thing was the choclate cups filled with fruit!  They were so good!

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Originally Posted by bonom2d3 View Post

Thanks for the info! I love your setup! We're getting married at Gazebo 55, so we'll probably have them hanging over the sides and tied towards the bottom. Your sheers are setup beautifully. I asked our WC about them, and all I've been able to get out of her was the size and that she recommends "organza". A little more prying will probably get me farther :-)

If you look through the past posts, somewhere in there I posted pictures that my WC had given me of different types of fabrics and what they look like on the gazebos.

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Hi Ladies,


Does anyone have any advice on communicating at the resort with eachother?  I know some people mentioned hey tell- but doesnt that use wifi?  I know it was mentioned that the wifi is spotty so did anyone come up with a system that works if our guests dont want to pay for wifi?


Also, if you turn off your cell data on your iphone then will the text messages still go through?  Is that also based on wifi?


And another question is about high heels in sand!  We are having our ceremony at gazebo 55 and we will have the bamboo runner.  Does anyone have any input on how difficult it is to walk in heels over there?  We also have our cocktail hour right there too in the sand...


Lastly, did anyone bring string lights for decor at tucanes?  we have a lot of those but i am wondering if there are ample places to plug them in??



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Hi there!


If you use the wifi, then text messages may go through - it totally depends on the phone. I think we communicated using the wifi and then via Facebook messages most of the time. Or we'd just call room to room. There isn't 1 easy way unless everyone is willing to use an international data plan or something. the resort is too large for walkie talkies to really do any good either.


You will have to walk in the sand quite a bit from the sidewalk to where the runner starts at Gazebo 55. It was difficult even in wedges. Unless you're a ninja in those heels, I wouldn't recommend them!!


here's a photo to give you an idea of the distance from the sidewalk to the runner: my dad & I are at the end of the runner. the sidewalk is back behind the lady in the purplish dress, by that other palm tree. it's probably a good 20-30 feet.




We didn't do the string lights at Tucanes. We did paper lanterns with battery operated lights inside. I don't really think there are outlets for the light strings - they'd have to use extension cords. Here's a shot of our set up inside Tucanes:





Originally Posted by jennifandr5 View Post

Hi Ladies,


Does anyone have any advice on communicating at the resort with eachother?  I know some people mentioned hey tell- but doesnt that use wifi?  I know it was mentioned that the wifi is spotty so did anyone come up with a system that works if our guests dont want to pay for wifi?


Also, if you turn off your cell data on your iphone then will the text messages still go through?  Is that also based on wifi?


And another question is about high heels in sand!  We are having our ceremony at gazebo 55 and we will have the bamboo runner.  Does anyone have any input on how difficult it is to walk in heels over there?  We also have our cocktail hour right there too in the sand...


Lastly, did anyone bring string lights for decor at tucanes?  we have a lot of those but i am wondering if there are ample places to plug them in??



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Originally Posted by jennifandr5 View Post

Hi Ladies,


Does anyone have any advice on communicating at the resort with eachother?  I know some people mentioned hey tell- but doesnt that use wifi?  I know it was mentioned that the wifi is spotty so did anyone come up with a system that works if our guests dont want to pay for wifi?


Also, if you turn off your cell data on your iphone then will the text messages still go through?  Is that also based on wifi?


And another question is about high heels in sand!  We are having our ceremony at gazebo 55 and we will have the bamboo runner.  Does anyone have any input on how difficult it is to walk in heels over there?  We also have our cocktail hour right there too in the sand...


Lastly, did anyone bring string lights for decor at tucanes?  we have a lot of those but i am wondering if there are ample places to plug them in??




I've been looking into an international data plan and it looks like its $10 for texting through sprint.  BUT...everyone I would text is gonna be there, so I don't think that'll be meaningfull! : ) Went a week on a cruise with NO phone access at all and it was so liberating, will likely do it again!

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Originally Posted by jennifandr5 View Post

Hi Ladies,


Does anyone have any advice on communicating at the resort with eachother?  I know some people mentioned hey tell- but doesnt that use wifi?  I know it was mentioned that the wifi is spotty so did anyone come up with a system that works if our guests dont want to pay for wifi?


Also, if you turn off your cell data on your iphone then will the text messages still go through?  Is that also based on wifi?


And another question is about high heels in sand!  We are having our ceremony at gazebo 55 and we will have the bamboo runner.  Does anyone have any input on how difficult it is to walk in heels over there?  We also have our cocktail hour right there too in the sand...


Lastly, did anyone bring string lights for decor at tucanes?  we have a lot of those but i am wondering if there are ample places to plug them in??



We didnt do any extra lights for Tucanes.  There was plenty of light and I never thought I needed some.  Also one thing to remember with Tucanes is there are some kind of bugs once the sun goes down!  We had someone leave the reception and go to the gift shop for bug spray!  I would highly recommend either having someone bring some or having it on the tables.  Another option would be if you use candles in the center pieces then use the citronella.  That was the ONLY complate i had about Tucanes!

The wifi is only free for the bride and groom so most of my guest did not buy it.  We just communicated by calling room to room.

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Hey Jen,

I know Allie said that the resort is too big for Walkie Talkies... but we got some long range ones and they worked fine.  I actually could communicate from the La Isla pool to the Casitas Spa, which was on the far end of the Casitas.  There were very few times we were that far apart though.  Most of the time we were communicating from the pool to our room, like when we were getting ready for the welcome dinner and I didn't want my husband to see my make up and hair from the rehearsal updo..so he stayed at the pool until I radioed him that the coast was clear to come up.  I found them useful.. other than that we just usually bumped into people we meant to find, plus you can leave messages for people on their room phones or with their concierge.   To avoid cell phone charges just keep your phone on airplane mode... nothing will go through and you won't get any unexpected charges on your bill later.  Plus, when it's on airplane mode you can still use WIFI, so if you want to call home you can use Skype or Facetime still.   You only get 2 Wifi codes, so choose your devices carefully.  I tried to talk them in to giving us one for each of our phones, my Husband's laptop and my IPad and they wouldn't do it for us.


For shoes.. forget the heels.  They pack the sand down, but by the time you get to it all of your guests, hotel crew, and your bridal party have walked on it.  I think if you look back I put in a review pic that shoes my shoes in the sand.  I was wearing 3 inch wedges and it looked like I was wearing flats they sank in so much, although in honesty that was in unpacked sand... but even with the wedges it was much harder to walk on the sand that I expected it to be.  I was so afraid of tripping or twisting something that almost my entire walk down the aisle I was looking down.  I only have 1 picture of me looking up during that walk.  In fact my first words to my husband when we made it to the side walk after the processional was "Who's idea was this getting married on the beach thing!"... I was joking of course, since it was me and all I did for 2 years was talk about getting married on the beach.. and it was just funny me falling all over myself in the sand.  I still think it's the most beautiful place on earth to have a ceremony... and I'd probably still pick the same gazebo if I had to do it again... I'd just do it in flats.  I'd also warn your guests not to plan on heels for the ceremony and cocktail hour.


I considered doing the lights at Tucanes, at the very end I scratched it for cost and space in my luggage... not to mention the weight they added. In all honesty I scratched the lights and the lanterns from my list of decorations...and I didn't miss them at all.  The place is beautiful on it's own, it really doesn't need anything extra to make it beautiful.  I tried too hard too make it seem "special", spent extra money that I didn't need to... if I could do it again I would scrap half of the stuff I added to dress the place up.  Just my opinion...  the one thing I did love were my tables set ups though...don't think I would cut anything from them. 

But I digress,  here is what my WC sent me for a pic of the lights.   When I asked him about bringing my own lights this is what he said ... granted this was December, the price may have increased since then... but feel free to say Alejandro quoted another bride $15.

Here's what I asked him and his response:

"For the Christmas lights, if I were to bring my own, would I also need extension cords? If so how many would you suggest. Is one strand of lights enough for a single pole, or would 2 be better.  Christmas lights at this time of year are pretty inexpensive to buy, especially after Christmas when everything is 50% off. 

If you bring your own, there will be a charge of $15 USD per pole or set that you bring. I would suggest to bring at least 4 or 5 of them to cover the main poles of the Tucanes Palapa, this way we can make it look very nice and not that empty."



Sorry for talking forever... but I hope it helps.....




Originally Posted by jennifandr5 View Post

Hi Ladies,


Does anyone have any advice on communicating at the resort with eachother?  I know some people mentioned hey tell- but doesnt that use wifi?  I know it was mentioned that the wifi is spotty so did anyone come up with a system that works if our guests dont want to pay for wifi?


Also, if you turn off your cell data on your iphone then will the text messages still go through?  Is that also based on wifi?


And another question is about high heels in sand!  We are having our ceremony at gazebo 55 and we will have the bamboo runner.  Does anyone have any input on how difficult it is to walk in heels over there?  We also have our cocktail hour right there too in the sand...


Lastly, did anyone bring string lights for decor at tucanes?  we have a lot of those but i am wondering if there are ample places to plug them in??



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Thank you so much for the reply!  I really appreciate you taking the time :)  its a shame about the heels since my fiance is like a foot taller than me.  Maybe ill just be barefoot at the ceremony and cocktail hour and then i can wear them at tucanes afterwards.


thats great info about airplane mode and wifi! i didnt know that.


Allie thanks for your info too and the pictures!! :)


Also- did you girls run into any trouble at customs? im so worried they are going to tell me i cant bring my decor through.  any advice on that?  Im actually using one of those large hard covered golf bag cases for most of the breakable items but its going to be huge!

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Jn - I didn't realize the long range walkie talkies worked so well! great tip!!! 
we had no problem with customs - green lighted all of our wedding stuff through. And we had a lot - 2 checked bags each, 1 rolling carry on, my dress, and each of us had a back pack. Plus my mom brought a checked bag of decorations for us. Just be sure to have receipts for anything that is gifts - wedding favors, wedding party gifts, etc. and that the maximum amount for gifts is $200 per person ($400 per married couple). The rest is "personal belongings", and it should be good. it sounds a lot worse than it is, though I have heard of a few brides who got a secondary search and interview with Mexican customs agency. once they showed receipts, it was good. 
Originally Posted by jennifandr5 View Post

Thank you so much for the reply!  I really appreciate you taking the time :)  its a shame about the heels since my fiance is like a foot taller than me.  Maybe ill just be barefoot at the ceremony and cocktail hour and then i can wear them at tucanes afterwards.


thats great info about airplane mode and wifi! i didnt know that.


Allie thanks for your info too and the pictures!! :)


Also- did you girls run into any trouble at customs? im so worried they are going to tell me i cant bring my decor through.  any advice on that?  Im actually using one of those large hard covered golf bag cases for most of the breakable items but its going to be huge!

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When you get to customs they have this random light button you push, so they're stopping people at random and not profiling... and if it lights up green you go through and if it comes up red then they check you.  My husband pushed green and I pushed red... they were pretty good tho, brides go through all the time... seriously I think I spotted at least 5 wedding dresses while waiting in line.   But, they checked all the bags anyway.  for the dress they unzipped the bag, but didn't pull the dress out or man handle the dress in any way.  My decor bag they just opened and looked a bit in it, waved the magic drug/explosive wand around inside, and the bag with the gifts and OOT bags they didn't seem to bother with checking at all.   All in all they were very cordial and didn't seem to care that I had 15 identical bags or 5- 15 ft sheers and a bubble machine.  So, I'd say don't worry about it.  Although remember that when you travel out of the country you need to have prescription info with drugs and/or original packaging.  So just in case we got stopped I didn't put advil or immodium into individual baggies... I was afraid they'd be curious about individually portioned out pills.  They did at one point check all of my prescription bottles though to make sure they were legit prescriptions and that the vitamins I brought were really vitamins.


Also... Change of shoes is totally a possibility.  The ground in Tucanes is nice and flat, very heels appropriate.  I know that I needed at least a bit of a heel to dance and feel dressed up.  Wedges will still work, just be prepared not to walk on solid ground.  I think wedges would also be fine if you had the wooden runner... with the walk to the runner while long, I don't think would matter if you were looking down the whole time watching your step.   I'd keep the wedges and get the wooden runner personally, if I got my do over.


Originally Posted by jennifandr5 View Post

Thank you so much for the reply!  I really appreciate you taking the time :)  its a shame about the heels since my fiance is like a foot taller than me.  Maybe ill just be barefoot at the ceremony and cocktail hour and then i can wear them at tucanes afterwards.


thats great info about airplane mode and wifi! i didnt know that.


Allie thanks for your info too and the pictures!! :)


Also- did you girls run into any trouble at customs? im so worried they are going to tell me i cant bring my decor through.  any advice on that?  Im actually using one of those large hard covered golf bag cases for most of the breakable items but its going to be huge!

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