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El Dorado Royale (EDR) Brides - POST HERE!

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Thanks, Allie! That is so awesome they came through with that. Once November is done, the resort and the photographer will be paid in full, so I will only have to worrry about the dinner, decorations, and mayyyybe the DJ... so it's nice I"ll have a few months to cough up the rest of the cash. ;-)

Yay, WIFEY! :) :) It is fun and exciting, but it will be so much more real and fun when everyone knows and it is "real"!

That's a good idea to do Cocotal the first night- I wasn't sure what to do about that. I think I might do the same!

Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

Hi Chris!!! I'm glad you are doing well, and sorry you are so busy. We will keep you posted on how everything goes (of course!!). We did luck out and his mother is paying for the DJ. otherwise we wouldn't have spent the $$ on that to be honest. I'm waiting anxiously for Jill to get back so I can hear how it all went.


We saw the judge this morning - so legally I am a WIFE. it's surreal and weird and wonderful all at the same time. Of course we aren't broadcasting it, but we told some of our close friends. and yes, I'm at work now. total buzzkill!



We'll still be at EDR when you get married! COOL! We are using the Cocotal dinner as our welcome dinner the first night (almost) everyone gets in. Anyone who misses the dinner can catch up with us later in the evening. We're doing a private dinner at Tucanes for our reception.

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Thanks, Allie! That is so awesome they came through with that. Once November is done, the resort and the photographer will be paid in full, so I will only have to worrry about the dinner, decorations, and mayyyybe the DJ... so it's nice I"ll have a few months to cough up the rest of the cash. ;-)

Yay, WIFEY! :) :) It is fun and exciting, but it will be so much more real and fun when everyone knows and it is "real"!

That's a good idea to do Cocotal the first night- I wasn't sure what to do about that. I think I might do the same!

Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

Hi Chris!!! I'm glad you are doing well, and sorry you are so busy. We will keep you posted on how everything goes (of course!!). We did luck out and his mother is paying for the DJ. otherwise we wouldn't have spent the $$ on that to be honest. I'm waiting anxiously for Jill to get back so I can hear how it all went.


We saw the judge this morning - so legally I am a WIFE. it's surreal and weird and wonderful all at the same time. Of course we aren't broadcasting it, but we told some of our close friends. and yes, I'm at work now. total buzzkill!



We'll still be at EDR when you get married! COOL! We are using the Cocotal dinner as our welcome dinner the first night (almost) everyone gets in. Anyone who misses the dinner can catch up with us later in the evening. We're doing a private dinner at Tucanes for our reception.

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Thank you for that! I do think we're not going to do the coctail hour... It's looking like 20-30 people, with probably 10 or so being wedding party and the rest spouses/family... then just a couple other friends. So we're just going to wing it and have everyone go to a coordinated bar if they want if they are not in the pics...


Any other tips any of you past brides have about budgeting... what was a must have and what you really could have lived without would be helpful!! i.e. decorations, meal choices, excursions, welcome parties, favors, etc. :)


Thanks ladies!

Originally Posted by TheWolferts View Post



One thing that I wished we didnt spend as much money on was the cocktail hour... I wasnt sure if I should include our wedding party into our total number for our cocktail hour since I knew we would be taking pictures for a majority of the hour, but the resort staff assured me that we would have time to go back and celebrate with our guests, get a beverage or two and get some food before our reception. So we went ahead and paid for the additional 13 people; however, the resort staff actually told us we could not go back and lied to us saying that all of our guests were actually at the reception site already... so basically we paid for an additional 13 people (at $15 per person, thats $195 wasted)... needless to say I let it go on our wedding day because I didnt want to be the bridezilla, but wrote a scathing letter to the hotel and we were refunded the $195.


So I would just take it into consideration when planning/budgeting. rolleyes.gif

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That is kind of how I feel- like I don't love the idea of asking for gifts. I was actually even worried about inviting everyone to an AHR- would people feel like it's an afterthought, or that we're just doing it to get gifts, or something like that? I just would like the opportunity to involve at least my mom and what not in some special event... maybe even throw the dress back on for some photo ops, or something like that? I don't really know.


I was thinking it would be fun do it at a lake, so we could just party and then at some point I could put my dress back on for a few phot ops, and then have a trash-the-dress type of photo op with everyone, but then was thinking about how quickly the costs add up if we turn it into kind of a big event...


There is a lake that we love that a lot of Kyle's friends have boats on, so it would be fun do go for a weekend (I had actually thought of getting married here but somehow it turned into a dw lol) and just anyone could come if they want, there are cabins to rent, that kind of thing... but I don't know what kind of event I'd have to offer them (i.e. dj, catering, etc like a real wedding, or just burgers and hanging out casual type of thing.)


Originally Posted by murmel View Post
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Hey Lindsey...

How did it go with the ipod?? We're going to have a smaller crowd than initially imagined, but I keep getting worried about the iPod... I want to have everyone dancing, whether it be at the reception or at a bar, but the reception is 6p-10p, so I just want to make sure it's fun enough and a party atmosphere... I worry that it won't be like that without a DJ, but a DJ is so expensive and may be overkill with such a small party. We're having our reception at Tucanes. Generally my friends could have fun in a cardboard box LOL but this is a "wedding" so I just don't want to do it wrong.


As I'm typing this I'm thinking that maybe I'm worrying too much... I just pictured how awesome it will be to be in such a beautiful palapa (or whatever you call it) with open bar and something to celebrate... maybe it really won't matter and it will be fine winging it and we can just play the song we want for our first dance, and plan to play whatever after that....


The same crew that will be in Mx comes to my house every year for a Thanskgiving party and we play pandora on our phones through my stereo, get drunk and end up dancing the night away in my living room LOL so maybe I really am worrying too much...


OK this apparantly you chatting on board is like therapy- you girls are like my wedding therapisst. LOL  friday.gif



Originally Posted by CanadianLindsey View Post

My thoughts...
Spring for a private dinner and just choose a cheaper "cocktail" like menu since there is free room service and other food at the resort that your guests will be able to eat, you don't have to really over feed your guests like at a typical reception. The El Cocotal dinner we used as our welcome dinner and they only let you have 8 people to a table and your mixed in with other resort guests so it feels awkward. We also went to the Guacamayas Bar after our dinner and then that way we didn't have to pay for a DJ or dance floor(we used an ipod player to play music for dinner)

I think Gazebo 55 is the best for privacy and scenery.  The white gazebo on the beach is right beside the smelly salt water pool and the main walking/golf cart path...so not it's not very private.

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Hey Lindsey...

How did it go with the ipod?? We're going to have a smaller crowd than initially imagined, but I keep getting worried about the iPod... I want to have everyone dancing, whether it be at the reception or at a bar, but the reception is 6p-10p, so I just want to make sure it's fun enough and a party atmosphere... I worry that it won't be like that without a DJ, but a DJ is so expensive and may be overkill with such a small party. We're having our reception at Tucanes. Generally my friends could have fun in a cardboard box LOL but this is a "wedding" so I just don't want to do it wrong.


As I'm typing this I'm thinking that maybe I'm worrying too much... I just pictured how awesome it will be to be in such a beautiful palapa (or whatever you call it) with open bar and something to celebrate... maybe it really won't matter and it will be fine winging it and we can just play the song we want for our first dance, and plan to play whatever after that....


The same crew that will be in Mx comes to my house every year for a Thanskgiving party and we play pandora on our phones through my stereo, get drunk and end up dancing the night away in my living room LOL so maybe I really am worrying too much...


OK this apparantly you chatting on board is like therapy- you girls are like my wedding therapists. LOL  friday.gif



Originally Posted by CanadianLindsey View Post

My thoughts...
Spring for a private dinner and just choose a cheaper "cocktail" like menu since there is free room service and other food at the resort that your guests will be able to eat, you don't have to really over feed your guests like at a typical reception. The El Cocotal dinner we used as our welcome dinner and they only let you have 8 people to a table and your mixed in with other resort guests so it feels awkward. We also went to the Guacamayas Bar after our dinner and then that way we didn't have to pay for a DJ or dance floor(we used an ipod player to play music for dinner)

I think Gazebo 55 is the best for privacy and scenery.  The white gazebo on the beach is right beside the smelly salt water pool and the main walking/golf cart path...so not it's not very private.

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I can't wait to read the madlibs. I figure that will be something fun for us to do together after the wedding. I'm going to encourage our guests to write any other wishes on the back. Then I'll bind them together in a book when we get back.  


I'm having fun calling him "husband". He keeps rolling his eyes hehe

Originally Posted by mstigger View Post

Congrats Allie!!!

Welcome to wife-hood!!

How exciting that you are sooo close! I can't wait to hear how everything goes and see all your pictures. I'm seriously debating "borrowing" your mad libs idea, I just love it and think it could be VERY funny....especially after a few drinks!!


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That's what I'm thinking too, originally I wanted lots of people and fun dancing- but I think they'll need encouragement to actually get up and let loose.  So, a DJ with glow in the dark necklaces and a light up floor seemed like the way to go.  But, now it's looking like the group is going to be smaller and all of that will be over kill. It's hard to judge what this group will be like, since I've never had this exact mix of people together before.  But, I don't have final numbers or even close to it yet...so I know I'm over-reacting a bit.   Just, everyone and their mother seems to be getting pregnant right now and my friends/family keep dropping out left and right. The big scare is that of the 20 people I thought were a "yes for sure" 12 of them have real commitments that they won't be able to get out of.  But, on the plus side the first couple on my "maybe" list just paid and bought airfare, so that is promising.  There might be other people who surprise me still.

Originally Posted by chiquita8302 View Post

Hey Lindsey...

How did it go with the ipod?? We're going to have a smaller crowd than initially imagined, but I keep getting worried about the iPod... I want to have everyone dancing, whether it be at the reception or at a bar, but the reception is 6p-10p, so I just want to make sure it's fun enough and a party atmosphere... I worry that it won't be like that without a DJ, but a DJ is so expensive and may be overkill with such a small party. We're having our reception at Tucanes. Generally my friends could have fun in a cardboard box LOL but this is a "wedding" so I just don't want to do it wrong.


As I'm typing this I'm thinking that maybe I'm worrying too much... I just pictured how awesome it will be to be in such a beautiful palapa (or whatever you call it) with open bar and something to celebrate... maybe it really won't matter and it will be fine winging it and we can just play the song we want for our first dance, and plan to play whatever after that....


The same crew that will be in Mx comes to my house every year for a Thanskgiving party and we play pandora on our phones through my stereo, get drunk and end up dancing the night away in my living room LOL so maybe I really am worrying too much...


OK this apparantly you chatting on board is like therapy- you girls are like my wedding therapists. LOL  friday.gif



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we are wedding therapists! lol I think it's hard to find friends - even those who are excited for you - who just "get it" unless they've recently planned a wedding. 


Another BDW bride mentioned they did the iPod route, and had a local DJ mix the music for them so it'd flow better. Is that an option? If you and your friends already enjoy the music you play on pandora, I don't think I'd be all that worried about the "lack" of a DJ.



Originally Posted by chiquita8302 View Post

Hey Lindsey...

How did it go with the ipod?? We're going to have a smaller crowd than initially imagined, but I keep getting worried about the iPod... I want to have everyone dancing, whether it be at the reception or at a bar, but the reception is 6p-10p, so I just want to make sure it's fun enough and a party atmosphere... I worry that it won't be like that without a DJ, but a DJ is so expensive and may be overkill with such a small party. We're having our reception at Tucanes. Generally my friends could have fun in a cardboard box LOL but this is a "wedding" so I just don't want to do it wrong.


As I'm typing this I'm thinking that maybe I'm worrying too much... I just pictured how awesome it will be to be in such a beautiful palapa (or whatever you call it) with open bar and something to celebrate... maybe it really won't matter and it will be fine winging it and we can just play the song we want for our first dance, and plan to play whatever after that....


The same crew that will be in Mx comes to my house every year for a Thanskgiving party and we play pandora on our phones through my stereo, get drunk and end up dancing the night away in my living room LOL so maybe I really am worrying too much...


OK this apparantly you chatting on board is like therapy- you girls are like my wedding therapists. LOL  friday.gif




What about getting everyone to tell you what songs typically get them out on the dance floor? Then you can work those into your song selection. 

Originally Posted by jnitschke View Post

That's what I'm thinking too, originally I wanted lots of people and fun dancing- but I think they'll need encouragement to actually get up and let loose.  So, a DJ with glow in the dark necklaces and a light up floor seemed like the way to go.  But, now it's looking like the group is going to be smaller and all of that will be over kill. It's hard to judge what this group will be like, since I've never had this exact mix of people together before.  But, I don't have final numbers or even close to it yet...so I know I'm over-reacting a bit.   Just, everyone and their mother seems to be getting pregnant right now and my friends/family keep dropping out left and right. The big scare is that of the 20 people I thought were a "yes for sure" 12 of them have real commitments that they won't be able to get out of.  But, on the plus side the first couple on my "maybe" list just paid and bought airfare, so that is promising.  There might be other people who surprise me still.


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Things have a way of falling into place - right when you need them to.....so hopefully that will be your exerience too :) Also, in my experience, the majority of guests at a DW are on "vacation", so more relaxed and ready to "let loose" on the dance floor when the party gets started.......everyone will have a Great! Time!......






including You! :)

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