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El Dorado Royale (EDR) Brides - POST HERE!

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Thanks AllieH! I was telling my FI about it last night except I totally forgot what the App was! LOL! As I have been reading everyone's DJ drama I am thinking more and more I would want to do it myself... 


On a venting note since you girls are my only support b/c my mom sure isn't... We have a deadline of October 1st for our friends to put a deposit down to get in on the group rate we got. After that people can still come, but are subject to what the rate is at the time they call. Right now I am so sick of all the people that keep lying to our face and say they are coming yet are not calling to make their deposit. A lot of them are my FI friends so they blame that the our TA is hard to get a hold of (and of course my FI believes them) but it is funny that none of my friends are having issues with getting their deposits in. I get that it is not cheap but I would rather you be honest and say you can't afford it then continue to lie. What makes it worst is that all these people would be traveling if we had the wedding in the states so in my mind I think they would not make the effort to come either way. Plus they have known since last December 2011 that we were getting married in February of 2013. 


Ok I am done venting, I think I am upset as I can be about it. Funny I have not been upset when people say they can't make it I am more upset about the people lying!




Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

EEP! 45 days...


in the family drama category, it looks like I'll be going fishing with my dad the day before the wedding. we wanted my brother to go with him, but his fiance decided to be a selfish brat and won't let him go (and she didn't want to go with them). While I hate not being at the resort with our guests, it'll mean an awful lot to my dad to spend some time with him one on one. at least we won't be gone all day..just the morning. ah...family....


Feb2013 - my fiance shared some more about the iTunes DJ app. he said really all you have to do is build the playlist, and it'll sort the songs and create the transitions for you. he was really excited that you can do it fairly automated, without a ton of work. I will let you know if he shares anything else, and how it works for us.


Happy Friday ladies!!

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these are gorgeous!!!! I love them. please post pics when you get them too.

Originally Posted by Feb2013 View Post

I found these really cute necklaces on Etsy by designer LRoseDesigns (link to her page). She was super nice and easy to work with. Below is the Necklace I order except I got a purple stone since my colors are Purple and Orange. 

Set of THREE Personalized Beach Wedding Necklaces, Sand Dollar, Starfish, Sea Shell, Monogram Initial Charm, Silver Bridesmaid Necklaces

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I hate that too!!! Uuugggh just say you can't come. My husband and I are just planning on us being the only ones at our  Vow Renewal!! If you want to come fine if not "Oh the Hell Well" THe first time we got married in "88" we were by ourselves in Korea, then we renewed our Vows in Kenya, Africa and we were by ourselves then so this won't be any different. It's about "OUR LOVE" anyway. Wwwhhheeewww OK got that off my chest!

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well, we have late breaking news. his mother has decided she wants to pay for a DJ for us. would have been nice to know this a few weeks ago!!! Lomas confirmed they have one available (DJ All Music?!?!), and I think for ease we're just going to go with them. so now just finalizing our spreadsheet, and all the fun details. 


I bet everyone will put their deposits down on the last day - that's what our guests did. My TA was able to get the group/discounted rates for some late signers (like people who just called her when final payment was due...). So I think your TA can help you quite a bit with it. And yes, pet peeve - if you can't go, just say that. 

Originally Posted by Feb2013 View Post

Thanks AllieH! I was telling my FI about it last night except I totally forgot what the App was! LOL! As I have been reading everyone's DJ drama I am thinking more and more I would want to do it myself... 


On a venting note since you girls are my only support b/c my mom sure isn't... We have a deadline of October 1st for our friends to put a deposit down to get in on the group rate we got. After that people can still come, but are subject to what the rate is at the time they call. Right now I am so sick of all the people that keep lying to our face and say they are coming yet are not calling to make their deposit. A lot of them are my FI friends so they blame that the our TA is hard to get a hold of (and of course my FI believes them) but it is funny that none of my friends are having issues with getting their deposits in. I get that it is not cheap but I would rather you be honest and say you can't afford it then continue to lie. What makes it worst is that all these people would be traveling if we had the wedding in the states so in my mind I think they would not make the effort to come either way. Plus they have known since last December 2011 that we were getting married in February of 2013. 


Ok I am done venting, I think I am upset as I can be about it. Funny I have not been upset when people say they can't make it I am more upset about the people lying!





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Yikes- I hate all the drama! I think you will have a very special day with your dad, though!!!

Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

EEP! 45 days...


in the family drama category, it looks like I'll be going fishing with my dad the day before the wedding. we wanted my brother to go with him, but his fiance decided to be a selfish brat and won't let him go (and she didn't want to go with them). While I hate not being at the resort with our guests, it'll mean an awful lot to my dad to spend some time with him one on one. at least we won't be gone all day..just the morning. ah...family....


Feb2013 - my fiance shared some more about the iTunes DJ app. he said really all you have to do is build the playlist, and it'll sort the songs and create the transitions for you. he was really excited that you can do it fairly automated, without a ton of work. I will let you know if he shares anything else, and how it works for us.


Happy Friday ladies!!

Those are super cute!! Thanks for sharing!

Originally Posted by Feb2013 View Post

I found these really cute necklaces on Etsy by designer LRoseDesigns (link to her page). She was super nice and easy to work with. Below is the Necklace I order except I got a purple stone since my colors are Purple and Orange. 

Set of THREE Personalized Beach Wedding Necklaces, Sand Dollar, Starfish, Sea Shell, Monogram Initial Charm, Silver Bridesmaid Necklaces

It makes me feel so much better that we are ALL going through the same thing with our guests- UGH. Don't tell me you're coming so I deposit on a room block accounting for you and then don't come :( We're going to eat probably $500 or so just on our room block. Not overly thrilled about that, but not worth worrying about I guess!

Originally Posted by Feb2013 View Post

Thanks AllieH! I was telling my FI about it last night except I totally forgot what the App was! LOL! As I have been reading everyone's DJ drama I am thinking more and more I would want to do it myself... 


On a venting note since you girls are my only support b/c my mom sure isn't... We have a deadline of October 1st for our friends to put a deposit down to get in on the group rate we got. After that people can still come, but are subject to what the rate is at the time they call. Right now I am so sick of all the people that keep lying to our face and say they are coming yet are not calling to make their deposit. A lot of them are my FI friends so they blame that the our TA is hard to get a hold of (and of course my FI believes them) but it is funny that none of my friends are having issues with getting their deposits in. I get that it is not cheap but I would rather you be honest and say you can't afford it then continue to lie. What makes it worst is that all these people would be traveling if we had the wedding in the states so in my mind I think they would not make the effort to come either way. Plus they have known since last December 2011 that we were getting married in February of 2013. 


Ok I am done venting, I think I am upset as I can be about it. Funny I have not been upset when people say they can't make it I am more upset about the people lying!




Wow, Allie, that is exciting! I just got an e-mail back from DJ All music... he was the cheaper one I think, like $1000, so that was appealing. I'm glad you're having him so I can hear your review!! ;-) I couldn't find any online, but I'm sure he'll be great!! :) Yay... one less thing for you to worry about! :)

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wait - you got a quote for $1,000 from him?!? of course EDR is quoting me $1500 as the standard. I couldn't find any reviews either. I did get a file from Lomas of the songs available, and a spreadsheet to set up the order and any announcements/introductions/toasts. While I'd prefer a DJ with some reviews, I also know it's a gift, and we aren't going to be super picky. if we don't like the music, we'll make him change it. I will also be asking if we can supply additional music, since we have eclectic tastes...and a strict "do not play" list.


we had to pay about $400 in order to be sure we had the minimum # of doubles in the room block to get a "free room" credit, so essentially we netted out to about a $500 credit. every little bit helps...

Originally Posted by chiquita8302 View Post

Yikes- I hate all the drama! I think you will have a very special day with your dad, though!!!

Those are super cute!! Thanks for sharing!

It makes me feel so much better that we are ALL going through the same thing with our guests- UGH. Don't tell me you're coming so I deposit on a room block accounting for you and then don't come :( We're going to eat probably $500 or so just on our room block. Not overly thrilled about that, but not worth worrying about I guess!

Wow, Allie, that is exciting! I just got an e-mail back from DJ All music... he was the cheaper one I think, like $1000, so that was appealing. I'm glad you're having him so I can hear your review!! ;-) I couldn't find any online, but I'm sure he'll be great!! :) Yay... one less thing for you to worry about! :)

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I'm sorry, it's "Mega DJ" (lol silly name) that is $1000- "DJ All Music" is $1500.

I think it's a great gift, and I wouldn't worry at all, it's definately going to be less worrying than doing it on your own! I feel the same way about it- just request he change songs if he does something you don't like! :)


I haven't really gotten an understanding of the free room credit... I know it's for every 15 rooms you get a free one, but how does it work? is it only doubles? When do we get that credit? I want to make sure we use every credit we can as well. I asked my TA about it and she said not to rely on it till the end, but I at least want to know how it works. And what did you pay the $400 for to make sure it worked out? Like pay towards a deposit on a room or something? Again, just wondering so I can make sure we do it right! :) :)


Your wedding is so soon, Allie! I'm so jealous, but I know Feb will be here before we know it!!! :)



Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

wait - you got a quote for $1,000 from him?!? of course EDR is quoting me $1500 as the standard. I couldn't find any reviews either. I did get a file from Lomas of the songs available, and a spreadsheet to set up the order and any announcements/introductions/toasts. While I'd prefer a DJ with some reviews, I also know it's a gift, and we aren't going to be super picky. if we don't like the music, we'll make him change it. I will also be asking if we can supply additional music, since we have eclectic tastes...and a strict "do not play" list.


we had to pay about $400 in order to be sure we had the minimum # of doubles in the room block to get a "free room" credit, so essentially we netted out to about a $500 credit. every little bit helps...

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did EDR quote you $1000 for Mega DJ? Or you got that quote on your own and still have to pay the outside vendor fee? Sorry - just wanted to be sure I understand the options! even though we aren't paying for it, no reason to pay more if she doesn't have to... (and what would we do without this forum?!?)


the 15 rooms is based on double occupancy only; so if you have 15 rooms, but 3 of them are singles, then you have 12 double rooms, and you don't get the free room credit for the 16th room. we even asked if we had 4 single rooms if those would count as 2 double rooms, but they said no, it has to be 15 double rooms.


we worked the rooming list to get to the 15 double rooms. our TA is actually going to EDR for an event right before our wedding, and was going to stay over for our wedding too. her promo rate for the 3 nights in our package was $400 lower than our rate. so in order to ensure we got the free room credit, we moved her into our room block and paid the $400 difference. We still come out ahead since our total credit was roughly $900. it would have been nice to have the whole amount, but $500 still helps!


and of course the credit is for the lowest-level room (regular EDR suite). the credit was applied after all of our guests made their final payments, and before we made ours, so it was applied to our room cost by our TA.


hope that helps!!


and yes, I will be getting married 6 weeks from today! I remember when we were over a year out... and time was just crawling by. Now it's flying by - my calendar is chock full of appointments and such for the next 6 weeks.


Originally Posted by chiquita8302 View Post

I'm sorry, it's "Mega DJ" (lol silly name) that is $1000- "DJ All Music" is $1500.

I think it's a great gift, and I wouldn't worry at all, it's definately going to be less worrying than doing it on your own! I feel the same way about it- just request he change songs if he does something you don't like! :)


I haven't really gotten an understanding of the free room credit... I know it's for every 15 rooms you get a free one, but how does it work? is it only doubles? When do we get that credit? I want to make sure we use every credit we can as well. I asked my TA about it and she said not to rely on it till the end, but I at least want to know how it works. And what did you pay the $400 for to make sure it worked out? Like pay towards a deposit on a room or something? Again, just wondering so I can make sure we do it right! :) :)


Your wedding is so soon, Allie! I'm so jealous, but I know Feb will be here before we know it!!! :)



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That was from their weddingsbylomas website. No outside vendor fee for that- it is the approved list. (Mega DJ and DJ All music are the only 2 approved DJ's I can see). And I agree, I wouldn't want them to pay more than they have to either! Maybe you can see if mega DJ is available instead?


And that is helpful... We are going ot be close to 15 rooms, too. Does that include our room? At least a couple rooms are singles though. That was nice of your TA to work with you on that! :) I will have to wait and see what happens. Right now I only have 10 double rooms with deposit down. Argh.


Yay for the time flying by! :)


Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

did EDR quote you $1000 for Mega DJ? Or you got that quote on your own and still have to pay the outside vendor fee? Sorry - just wanted to be sure I understand the options! even though we aren't paying for it, no reason to pay more if she doesn't have to... (and what would we do without this forum?!?)


the 15 rooms is based on double occupancy only; so if you have 15 rooms, but 3 of them are singles, then you have 12 double rooms, and you don't get the free room credit for the 16th room. we even asked if we had 4 single rooms if those would count as 2 double rooms, but they said no, it has to be 15 double rooms.


we worked the rooming list to get to the 15 double rooms. our TA is actually going to EDR for an event right before our wedding, and was going to stay over for our wedding too. her promo rate for the 3 nights in our package was $400 lower than our rate. so in order to ensure we got the free room credit, we moved her into our room block and paid the $400 difference. We still come out ahead since our total credit was roughly $900. it would have been nice to have the whole amount, but $500 still helps!


and of course the credit is for the lowest-level room (regular EDR suite). the credit was applied after all of our guests made their final payments, and before we made ours, so it was applied to our room cost by our TA.


hope that helps!!


and yes, I will be getting married 6 weeks from today! I remember when we were over a year out... and time was just crawling by. Now it's flying by - my calendar is chock full of appointments and such for the next 6 weeks.


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Chiquita8302- My wedding is 2 weeks before yours... It seemed like it was so far away when I started getting ideas together in May and now I am only 144 days out! That is a little less then 5 months!

Originally Posted by chiquita8302 View Post

I'm sorry, it's "Mega DJ" (lol silly name) that is $1000- "DJ All Music" is $1500.

I think it's a great gift, and I wouldn't worry at all, it's definately going to be less worrying than doing it on your own! I feel the same way about it- just request he change songs if he does something you don't like! :)


I haven't really gotten an understanding of the free room credit... I know it's for every 15 rooms you get a free one, but how does it work? is it only doubles? When do we get that credit? I want to make sure we use every credit we can as well. I asked my TA about it and she said not to rely on it till the end, but I at least want to know how it works. And what did you pay the $400 for to make sure it worked out? Like pay towards a deposit on a room or something? Again, just wondering so I can make sure we do it right! :) :)


Your wedding is so soon, Allie! I'm so jealous, but I know Feb will be here before we know it!!! :)



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