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El Dorado Royale (EDR) Brides - POST HERE!

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Wow Jill, that is awful!!!

Are you close to any of your guests that you know are attending.......and are any of them her size?

Maybe you guys can just not have anyone standing with you.....or borrow 2 groomsmen and put them on your side ;)

Sorry this is all happening right before  your big day that is supposed to be all about you.......but just remember, it is about you and your FI and as long as you 2 are there nothing else really matters!!!



Originally Posted by Jillsepher View Post

Just have to vent ladies so I apologize beforehand... My MOH decided to tell me almost 2 months before the wedding that she isn't coming. She promised me months ago that she paid for her stay and booked airfare and magically she can't come anymore. She gave me the whole money excuse but I find that very hard to believe when she's planning all these other trips with her stupid boyfriend who seems to have her every move now and she's his puppet. She was totally all for going until she started dating this loser and now is no longer coming so now I have NO bridesmaids and my FI has 4 groomsmen. Ugh! She even bought her bridesmaid dress already and fed me all this bullcrap about wanting to get alterations with me. I'm so confused because she was totally ready to go and now she is blowing me off on the biggest day of my life. This is so NOT what I was expecting!
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Originally Posted by mstigger View Post


Ok, took me some time to figure out what "OOT" meant......I'm embarassed to admit that, but it's true! sign5.gif


Soooo, my question is what kind of bags are you using or did you use.....what are you putting in them?


Anyone have pics? I think my crafty gene has left the building, or it could be I never had one smile105.gif


Thank you!!!


I ordered my bags from wedding chicks.com... groomsmen and guests got the same bags- bridesmaids got their own special bags which were noticeably better quality. Here are a few pics



700   Groomsmen bag with some of the contents




700  Bridesmaids & MOH bags- they had TONS of stuff in there (first aid kit, makeup bag with lotions, shampoo, conditioner, perfume, etc etc, bridesmaid tank, personalized stadium cups, note pads, and soooo much more)

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Originally Posted by Jillsepher View Post


Just have to vent ladies so I apologize beforehand... My MOH decided to tell me almost 2 months before the wedding that she isn't coming. She promised me months ago that she paid for her stay and booked airfare and magically she can't come anymore. She gave me the whole money excuse but I find that very hard to believe when she's planning all these other trips with her stupid boyfriend who seems to have her every move now and she's his puppet. She was totally all for going until she started dating this loser and now is no longer coming so now I have NO bridesmaids and my FI has 4 groomsmen. Ugh! She even bought her bridesmaid dress already and fed me all this bullcrap about wanting to get alterations with me. I'm so confused because she was totally ready to go and now she is blowing me off on the biggest day of my life. This is so NOT what I was expecting!

 That's seriously one of the worst parts about a DW- being sure that someone important will be there only to have them back out. It definitely shows you who your real friends are though

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Originally Posted by Jillsepher View Post



What's a water journey? Does it cost money? I'm soooo excited to see the shows! Totally looking forward to the fire shows!


Oh I just saw this- The casita spa offers this 'water ritual"( i believe that's what it's called) and you start in the locker room where you first shower, then go in a steam room or sauna, shower, go into the water journey room- which is 1) a hot tub 2) this huge pool with numerous different jets that massage you- you can go around to the different jets to massage different parts of your body (neck, back, legs, etc) then there is a freezing cold pool that you're supposed to go in, then an outdoor pool that you can go to and relax. It's completely free if you are staying in the casitas, you can just go to the spa whenever and do any of it (steam room, hot tub, jets, whatever you feel like) and when you do all of them in a specific sequence they call it the water ritual or journey or something... lol. It's also free with any spa service you do so if you have a sky massage that you're doing as part of the free package, its something relaxing to do before or after. I did it before my wedding day appointments and it helped calm my nerves so much, I was a mess before I did it. 

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Well ladies, this will be my last post here :( About 80% of our VIP's informed us that they would be unable to make the trip. A few pregnancies with due dates within a month of our date as well as financial hardships, job loss etc. So... Plan B. We are getting married on Nov. 23rd at a NC Beach. Using the trip as a Thanksgiving holiday, almost 100% of our guest list has committed to coming. My key requirements were Beach and Family. This way I get both at least! I will certainly miss the tropical feel, open bar, etc. But my fiance and I both agree this is for the best.

We will be traveling on our original date for our honeymoon, since we have already booked air and are certainly still excited to experience EDR!

I hope you all continue to enjoy your planning and have wonderful weddings at EDR!

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That really sux! I had 2 BMs that were my best friend growing up tell me a couple of months before the wedding that they wouldnt be able to make to the wedding either... one sent me a txt message, the other an email... both of which r just tacky!


I gave them 18 months to plan and save and even bought their BM dresses for them. Both of them came up with bad excuses as to why they couldnt, even make it to my shower, acting like it was just a random get together, not my wedding shower! One of them ended up paying me back for the BM dress, the other has basically avoided me and wont return phone calls so I have stopped trying to be friends. It is absolutely appalling to me how some "friends" act about your wedding. I wouldnt be upset with friends that told me up front that they couldnt be able to make it as I would completely understand, but the friends that string you along, get your hopes up, then RSVP "no" and never call you again are just bad people.


Another thing that gripes my cookies is when guests say they cant afford the trip when A) they havent even looked into prices and B) they then go on large, extravagent trips and post all their pics on Facebook! I had one friend tell me she couldnt make it because of money, which I understood, especially as she is getting married in November, but then I see that she has gone to CA a couple of times within the past year, on a ski trip, a trip to Europe, and is actually currently in London for 3 weeks for the Olympics... its not that some guests cant afford it, its just that your wedding is clearly not a priority for them. It was definitely tough to see some friends which I thought were closer, were not as close as I thought. I had several family members that had to scrape together money by having yard sales and cutting back on spending because they wouldnt have missed it for the world. Prior to my 2 BMs acting like they did, I would have scrounged up the money because I couldnt imagine not being there at their special day.


To be honest, we were surrounded by so much love, friends, and family on our big day, I dont think I even thought about the 2 BMs that couldnt be there. I didnt think that I should have a B list of BMs as they would clearly know they were not originally close enough to be considered BMs so much to my OCD's dismay, we had uneven numbers of GMs and BMs. I am the type of person that is much happier have a few really close friends than having tons of friends that will blow you off is something better comes up.






Originally Posted by Jillsepher View Post

Just have to vent ladies so I apologize beforehand... My MOH decided to tell me almost 2 months before the wedding that she isn't coming. She promised me months ago that she paid for her stay and booked airfare and magically she can't come anymore. She gave me the whole money excuse but I find that very hard to believe when she's planning all these other trips with her stupid boyfriend who seems to have her every move now and she's his puppet. She was totally all for going until she started dating this loser and now is no longer coming so now I have NO bridesmaids and my FI has 4 groomsmen. Ugh! She even bought her bridesmaid dress already and fed me all this bullcrap about wanting to get alterations with me. I'm so confused because she was totally ready to go and now she is blowing me off on the biggest day of my life. This is so NOT what I was expecting!
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Ah Amanda, what a tough choice, but totally understand. At least you still get to visit EDR for your honeymoon!!! Good luck with your planning. and you know it's ok to drop by and let us know how it's going, right??

Originally Posted by asmithpoulin View Post

Well ladies, this will be my last post here :( About 80% of our VIP's informed us that they would be unable to make the trip. A few pregnancies with due dates within a month of our date as well as financial hardships, job loss etc. So... Plan B. We are getting married on Nov. 23rd at a NC Beach. Using the trip as a Thanksgiving holiday, almost 100% of our guest list has committed to coming. My key requirements were Beach and Family. This way I get both at least! I will certainly miss the tropical feel, open bar, etc. But my fiance and I both agree this is for the best.

We will be traveling on our original date for our honeymoon, since we have already booked air and are certainly still excited to experience EDR!

I hope you all continue to enjoy your planning and have wonderful weddings at EDR!

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I couldn't wait any longer to post my invites, so here they are: http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/t/80966/my-semi-diy-invites


Most of them have been received, and one has come back for a wrong address (oops...). I even have 2 RSVPs back already! 



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Yes it truly sucks and I have my sister who is about her size coming but she is staying in a different resort so if I do ask her to be a part of this she won't be able to get ready with me or anything since the resort said outside guests can only show up an hour before the ceremony. I'm hoping with the meltdown I had yesterday that my other sister can find a way to make it since I would really want her to be a part of this. I think if she were to come it would make everything better. I know whatever happens we'll still have a great day but it's so hard not to take it personally when you see those who "can't afford it" really not putting in an effort whatsoever even after you've given them over 15 months to save up. Like Nikki says I would and have done all I can do to make it to those special events for those who are important to me. My own sister (that I'm hoping will come) got married out of state years ago when I was 19 living on my own trying to make ends meet. I ended up getting a second job so I wouldn't miss any of it and its so disappointing that she isn't willing to do the same. Hopefully she can make it happen. In a way I'm kind of glad (and this is me trying to look at the bright side of things) that my MOH isn't coming because I truly didn't want her stupid boyfriend to have the opportunity to be a part of my special day when he isn't special enough to be a part of it. It just sucks that she is ultimately choosing him over me and throwing away our 12 year friendship for this loser. It is what it is and she will be the one who will have to live with this decision. 

Originally Posted by mstigger View Post

Wow Jill, that is awful!!!

Are you close to any of your guests that you know are attending.......and are any of them her size?

Maybe you guys can just not have anyone standing with you.....or borrow 2 groomsmen and put them on your side ;)

Sorry this is all happening right before  your big day that is supposed to be all about you.......but just remember, it is about you and your FI and as long as you 2 are there nothing else really matters!!!




Originally Posted by mrendic View Post

 That's seriously one of the worst parts about a DW- being sure that someone important will be there only to have them back out. It definitely shows you who your real friends are though


Originally Posted by mrendic View Post


Oh I just saw this- The casita spa offers this 'water ritual"( i believe that's what it's called) and you start in the locker room where you first shower, then go in a steam room or sauna, shower, go into the water journey room- which is 1) a hot tub 2) this huge pool with numerous different jets that massage you- you can go around to the different jets to massage different parts of your body (neck, back, legs, etc) then there is a freezing cold pool that you're supposed to go in, then an outdoor pool that you can go to and relax. It's completely free if you are staying in the casitas, you can just go to the spa whenever and do any of it (steam room, hot tub, jets, whatever you feel like) and when you do all of them in a specific sequence they call it the water ritual or journey or something... lol. It's also free with any spa service you do so if you have a sky massage that you're doing as part of the free package, its something relaxing to do before or after. I did it before my wedding day appointments and it helped calm my nerves so much, I was a mess before I did it. 

Very interesting and I'm totaling going to have to do this. Sounds like something I will totally need. BTW have any new brides getting married soon noticed that the Honeymoon/Anniversary package changed so now you don't get a couple's massage. Now it's buy one get one free. I wonder if we'll still be honored the old package. I have a screenshot picture of the old package on my phone but didn't print it out. Any other brides have a printout they could email me of the old package that states the couple's massage and not the BOGO that's now offered? 

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Amanda I am so sorry to hear this. I still totally want to hear about your wedding plans though. And the great news is that you still get to go to EDR and have a wedding with those you truly love. The good thing is that you have a beach around you that you can rely on. Here in Washington we have beaches but unless I wanted to be in pouring down rain and whipping winds and icky rocky beaches this won't work for me. I want to see your pictures as I'm sure it will totally be beautiful!

Originally Posted by asmithpoulin View Post

Well ladies, this will be my last post here :( About 80% of our VIP's informed us that they would be unable to make the trip. A few pregnancies with due dates within a month of our date as well as financial hardships, job loss etc. So... Plan B. We are getting married on Nov. 23rd at a NC Beach. Using the trip as a Thanksgiving holiday, almost 100% of our guest list has committed to coming. My key requirements were Beach and Family. This way I get both at least! I will certainly miss the tropical feel, open bar, etc. But my fiance and I both agree this is for the best.

We will be traveling on our original date for our honeymoon, since we have already booked air and are certainly still excited to experience EDR!

I hope you all continue to enjoy your planning and have wonderful weddings at EDR!


Originally Posted by TheWolferts View Post

That really sux! I had 2 BMs that were my best friend growing up tell me a couple of months before the wedding that they wouldnt be able to make to the wedding either... one sent me a txt message, the other an email... both of which r just tacky!


I gave them 18 months to plan and save and even bought their BM dresses for them. Both of them came up with bad excuses as to why they couldnt, even make it to my shower, acting like it was just a random get together, not my wedding shower! One of them ended up paying me back for the BM dress, the other has basically avoided me and wont return phone calls so I have stopped trying to be friends. It is absolutely appalling to me how some "friends" act about your wedding. I wouldnt be upset with friends that told me up front that they couldnt be able to make it as I would completely understand, but the friends that string you along, get your hopes up, then RSVP "no" and never call you again are just bad people.


Another thing that gripes my cookies is when guests say they cant afford the trip when A) they havent even looked into prices and B) they then go on large, extravagent trips and post all their pics on Facebook! I had one friend tell me she couldnt make it because of money, which I understood, especially as she is getting married in November, but then I see that she has gone to CA a couple of times within the past year, on a ski trip, a trip to Europe, and is actually currently in London for 3 weeks for the Olympics... its not that some guests cant afford it, its just that your wedding is clearly not a priority for them. It was definitely tough to see some friends which I thought were closer, were not as close as I thought. I had several family members that had to scrape together money by having yard sales and cutting back on spending because they wouldnt have missed it for the world. Prior to my 2 BMs acting like they did, I would have scrounged up the money because I couldnt imagine not being there at their special day.


To be honest, we were surrounded by so much love, friends, and family on our big day, I dont think I even thought about the 2 BMs that couldnt be there. I didnt think that I should have a B list of BMs as they would clearly know they were not originally close enough to be considered BMs so much to my OCD's dismay, we had uneven numbers of GMs and BMs. I am the type of person that is much happier have a few really close friends than having tons of friends that will blow you off is something better comes up.






It's so disappointing and really shows you who your friends are and who you are willing to go the extra mile for without the other party doing the same. For someone who doesn't have money she just posted on her FB the last two days all these luxurious restaurants (like $200/meal) that she is going to. She is also planning a trip to the Emmy's in September the SAME weekend that SHE planned my bachelorette party. Guess I can cross my bachelorette party off of the list too. What a winner!


I'm totally OCD too so I'm having a hard time with the 0-3 bridal party but I'll have to live with it. I'm just happy my parents and my sister and her husband can make it. 

Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

I couldn't wait any longer to post my invites, so here they are: http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/t/80966/my-semi-diy-invites


Most of them have been received, and one has come back for a wrong address (oops...). I even have 2 RSVPs back already! 




Those are totally awesome Allie! You did a fabulous job. What other DIY projects do you have pictures of?

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