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Wait? They don't move the chairs from the ceremony to the reception? As far as response time goes I've had as quick as same day response but the average is two weeks. I've pretty much settled on a two week response time and if it's quicker than that's a bonus. Everything is pretty much done though. How about you? How's your response time coming along?

I would hope you don't pay for them twice, but with Lomas, it's hard to guess.  I was told we'd have to provide enough chair bows for the ceremony AND the reception since we are bringing our own, that they don't move them from the ceremony to the reception. And we have 90 minutes in between.  how's the rest of the planning coming along? Are you getting responses any quicker? 
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Yep, that's what she told me - I had to have enough chair bows to cover both the ceremony & reception. rolleyes.gif


response time is better, sometimes just a couple of days. I'm hoping it's because the dates are getting closer therefore we get more attention. Most things are planned, a lot of decisions are made thank goodness. I'm still trying to find a picture of a small cake that I can send them, rather than a "large round" one that is a single layer. of all things to drive me nuts, it's the cake! I figure we'll finalize the on-site set up stuff when we get there. I'm still not 100% sure what we're doing for a "centerpiece", maybe not much at all! 


we've got our airfare now, and our guests are starting to book theirs as well. still waiting for my favors to come in so I can work on the tags and such. and still need to order mugs of some sort. 

Originally Posted by Jillsepher View Post

Wait? They don't move the chairs from the ceremony to the reception? As far as response time goes I've had as quick as same day response but the average is two weeks. I've pretty much settled on a two week response time and if it's quicker than that's a bonus. Everything is pretty much done though. How about you? How's your response time coming along?


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Jill- what are you doing for chair decorations? Just curious. I haven't really considered doing any chair decorations because they seem so expensive per chair... Alli- you're bringing your own sashes? That was the only thing I had thought of- where did you end up getting yours?


I'm working with Valeria now on picking our decorations. So far, i've picked my bouquet (Stargazer lillies with coral and white roses) and the bouquets for my girls (which for my 8 bridesmaids got expensive quick! smile43.gifI got some white paper lunch bags at Target (idea I found somewhere when I was trying to price out luminary bags online) that I'm going to do a trial with, but I guess that's all the paper luminary bags are. So... liek 30 of those with tealights. And I'm going to do the white lights to wrap the poles around Tucanes... but undecided if I'm going to find some cheap white lights to have them wrap for me or if I'm just goign to suck it up and pay the fee.


My FI can't believe how much they kind of nickel and dime you for everything. I would be okay with it if they allowed us to set up the decorations, but having to pay so much for setup makes it kind of frustrating. A lot of the decorations I talked to her about that maybe I could bring, (i.e. white lights for the poles at Tucanes- which I was quoted $300 for 6 poles if i borrow their lights, or $175 if I bring my own) are still pretty expensive just for the setup charges.


Overall it's getting more fun with the planning... much more exciting picking out flowers and decorations than it was trying to pick the resort or get the details out on the invitations. We've gotten quite a few people who've said they're definately going ot make it, and quite a few dissapointing No's because they can't bring their kids. :( I kind of regret not picking a resort that was kid friendly just so we could have those important friends there, but what are you going to do. I think it'll work out fine in the long run and will be what we're looking for. I will just miss having those few people there.


Next project: First appt to try on dresses is Weds. :) I'm going to a somewhat fancy (for NH lol) store that is having a huge sample/overstock sale on Aug 1st... so if I find something I like, I should be able to get a vibe from them as to if I'll be able to get a good deal!! Which I've just found out may be more important than just the cost--- they said it normally takes 8-10 months to get a dress in, plus alterations (which I'm not worried about because our seamstress is a miracle worker!)  and ummmm our wedding is in 8 months. Eek! I'm sure it'll all work out fine, though.


Hope all is going well with you girls! I like reading about your updates! Same for the new girls- how is all of your planning going??? :-)




Originally Posted by Jillsepher View Post

Wait? They don't move the chairs from the ceremony to the reception? As far as response time goes I've had as quick as same day response but the average is two weeks. I've pretty much settled on a two week response time and if it's quicker than that's a bonus. Everything is pretty much done though. How about you? How's your response time coming along?


Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

Yep, that's what she told me - I had to have enough chair bows to cover both the ceremony & reception. rolleyes.gif


response time is better, sometimes just a couple of days. I'm hoping it's because the dates are getting closer therefore we get more attention. Most things are planned, a lot of decisions are made thank goodness. I'm still trying to find a picture of a small cake that I can send them, rather than a "large round" one that is a single layer. of all things to drive me nuts, it's the cake! I figure we'll finalize the on-site set up stuff when we get there. I'm still not 100% sure what we're doing for a "centerpiece", maybe not much at all! 


we've got our airfare now, and our guests are starting to book theirs as well. still waiting for my favors to come in so I can work on the tags and such. and still need to order mugs of some sort. 


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I scooped up the chair sashes from another BDW bride. Got 100 of those suckers for a steal! they are orange - so if orange is one of your colors, I can certainly pass them on to you. 


If orange isn't your color, you may want to check out this website: http://www.tableclothsfactory.com/tablecloths-Table-Linens-Chair-Covers-Sashes-s/5.htm


or, since you have time, order from Asia - this eBay seller is in Hong Kong, and it's 100 sashes for $25. these are green, but I saw other colors listed. 


and yes, EDR really nickels and dimes you to death. except it's more like $10 or $20 a pop. I think that's one of the things I'm most disappointed about since choosing EDR. There are a lot of nice touches I'd like to add, but I really can't justify paying $8 for a tiki torch, or $75 for a few floating lanterns. I'm convincing myself that EDR is such a lovely setting, I won't need a lot of those nice touches, so I can just save my $$ for other things that are more needed ($250 for an amplifier for the iPod for the reception for instance). 


Some of the other brides have said that they were able to have their friends/family do the set up, which is what I'm aiming for. my friends say they are all game to help, so I'm going to take them up on the offer (especially since I'm not making any of them buy a bridesmaids dress or stand up with us!). 


good luck with the dress shopping!!! enjoy the experience, every second of it. I hope you find your dream dress, within your budget. just remember, "liking" a dress isn't good enough. wink.gif


I've got quite a bit of the "stuff" for our OOT bags on the way this week. So that will be my next DIY project. I can't believe I'm at 4.5 months already! It seems like yesterday we were counting down at a year to go. Where does the time go?? 


Originally Posted by chiquita8302 View Post

Jill- what are you doing for chair decorations? Just curious. I haven't really considered doing any chair decorations because they seem so expensive per chair... Alli- you're bringing your own sashes? That was the only thing I had thought of- where did you end up getting yours?


I'm working with Valeria now on picking our decorations. So far, i've picked my bouquet (Stargazer lillies with coral and white roses) and the bouquets for my girls (which for my 8 bridesmaids got expensive quick! smile43.gifI got some white paper lunch bags at Target (idea I found somewhere when I was trying to price out luminary bags online) that I'm going to do a trial with, but I guess that's all the paper luminary bags are. So... liek 30 of those with tealights. And I'm going to do the white lights to wrap the poles around Tucanes... but undecided if I'm going to find some cheap white lights to have them wrap for me or if I'm just goign to suck it up and pay the fee.


My FI can't believe how much they kind of nickel and dime you for everything. I would be okay with it if they allowed us to set up the decorations, but having to pay so much for setup makes it kind of frustrating. A lot of the decorations I talked to her about that maybe I could bring, (i.e. white lights for the poles at Tucanes- which I was quoted $300 for 6 poles if i borrow their lights, or $175 if I bring my own) are still pretty expensive just for the setup charges.


Overall it's getting more fun with the planning... much more exciting picking out flowers and decorations than it was trying to pick the resort or get the details out on the invitations. We've gotten quite a few people who've said they're definately going ot make it, and quite a few dissapointing No's because they can't bring their kids. :( I kind of regret not picking a resort that was kid friendly just so we could have those important friends there, but what are you going to do. I think it'll work out fine in the long run and will be what we're looking for. I will just miss having those few people there.


Next project: First appt to try on dresses is Weds. :) I'm going to a somewhat fancy (for NH lol) store that is having a huge sample/overstock sale on Aug 1st... so if I find something I like, I should be able to get a vibe from them as to if I'll be able to get a good deal!! Which I've just found out may be more important than just the cost--- they said it normally takes 8-10 months to get a dress in, plus alterations (which I'm not worried about because our seamstress is a miracle worker!)  and ummmm our wedding is in 8 months. Eek! I'm sure it'll all work out fine, though.


Hope all is going well with you girls! I like reading about your updates! Same for the new girls- how is all of your planning going??? :-)






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Oooh, that's great you got those on here! I will look around a little, and check out your links! I'm doing coral (and white), so no orange, but thanks for the offer :)


I have to agree- initially, a big part of the reason for doing DW was the simplicity, but it all gets snowballed into being something bigger. As for the decorations- we'll probably be minimal-ish as well.... the white table setup Valeria sent me pics of looks exactly like what I'd like, then with some lights and something for a centerpiece (i have been working on figuring something out for this as welll... thought about adding 1 lilly to something i could DIY, but each flower is $18.00 lol I just found that to be kind of a lot for ONE flower. But what do I know about flowers...), and hopefully that will do the job. It should be beautiful regardless, I really feel like you're right.


I'm still torn on the DJ versus iPod, too! How are you going to have your first dance announced, and all of that stuff? how are you going to handle the flow of the reception? I'd reallllllly rather not hire a 1500$ dj for 40 people lol but kind of feel like we might have to? Maybe you'll have some more good advice for me on how you're going to do it! ;-)


Valeria said absolutely we cannot do our own setup. Otherwise I woudl absolutely do so. She said that it gets in the way of the staff (which I'm sure is impossible, considering how in the way could they be just placing centerpieces and some candle bags??).


Thank you- i'm super excited for the dress part. I have been looking more online and there are sooo many pretty ones. I'm such a bargain shopper I'd love a good score on the dress, but that is something I will be wiilling to splurge on (within reason) as it's the ONLY day we get to do this- you have to LOVE it! :)


Keep us posted with how your OOT bags come along! I'm thinking we'll be doing those. Not sure what to put in mine exactly. I had been looking for mugs, but have found they're either expensive or chintzy looking... so I had kind of dropped that idea for now. I did find at Target coral colored mugs (slim ones wihtout handles, they're cute) that are clear all around them, so you can put a printout or whatever in to make your own decoration...

Aladdin Red Travel Mug

So I got enough for my BM's and will print osmething cutesy to put inside wiht their name on it or something! I think they should be fun and will make them stand out a little! For $9.99 they seemed reasonable compared to the mugs i've priced online.  What else are you putting in them? Are you worried abotu how to lug all this stuff down? lol!


And I know- I can't believe that I need to be worried already about whether or not I can get a dress in time, lol! 4.5 months will be here before you know it- hooray!!! I absolutely cannot wait--- now that everyone has gotten our invites, it's all everyone talks about when they see us for the first time, so it is so fun listening to them getting all excited and recruiting other friends to come- I cant wait. :) It is going to be a long winter until February, but once it's here, what a welcome break from the SNOW it will be!!! :) :)



Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

I scooped up the chair sashes from another BDW bride. Got 100 of those suckers for a steal! they are orange - so if orange is one of your colors, I can certainly pass them on to you. 


If orange isn't your color, you may want to check out this website: http://www.tableclothsfactory.com/tablecloths-Table-Linens-Chair-Covers-Sashes-s/5.htm


or, since you have time, order from Asia - this eBay seller is in Hong Kong, and it's 100 sashes for $25. these are green, but I saw other colors listed. 


and yes, EDR really nickels and dimes you to death. except it's more like $10 or $20 a pop. I think that's one of the things I'm most disappointed about since choosing EDR. There are a lot of nice touches I'd like to add, but I really can't justify paying $8 for a tiki torch, or $75 for a few floating lanterns. I'm convincing myself that EDR is such a lovely setting, I won't need a lot of those nice touches, so I can just save my $$ for other things that are more needed ($250 for an amplifier for the iPod for the reception for instance). 


Some of the other brides have said that they were able to have their friends/family do the set up, which is what I'm aiming for. my friends say they are all game to help, so I'm going to take them up on the offer (especially since I'm not making any of them buy a bridesmaids dress or stand up with us!). 


good luck with the dress shopping!!! enjoy the experience, every second of it. I hope you find your dream dress, within your budget. just remember, "liking" a dress isn't good enough. wink.gif


I've got quite a bit of the "stuff" for our OOT bags on the way this week. So that will be my next DIY project. I can't believe I'm at 4.5 months already! It seems like yesterday we were counting down at a year to go. Where does the time go?? 



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YAY!!!!! Wishing you all the best! safe travels, and I can't wait to hear about it! Enjoy your stay.

Originally Posted by ElDorado2012 View Post

Hi ladies! We leave tomorrow for our wedding on Saturday (6/30)! I'm super excited!! I'll make sure to give you all a full review with pics when I get back :)

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I'm with you on the snowball effect. Dialing it back is more difficult - I'm blaming pinterest and all the amazing wedding photos that are out there.


What about using a fake flower? Those should be much less than $18, and the real touch lillies are absolutely gorgeous.


I'm putting my brother in charge of the iPod (we will have 2, in case one dies or freezes up on us), and a friend in charge of the timeline. Plus my photographer is a good bride/groom wrangler, so she'll keep us on track. I just can't see spending that much for a DJ. Frankly it isn't in our budget...


I've been told we can't do our own set up either, but then other brides have said they've been able to do it. I think it's going to be one of those things that we'll have to wait and see once we get to EDR and talk about it with the onsite coordinator.


I'm going to keep the OOT bags fairly simple - again, mostly due to budget. I'm doing shout wipes, aleve, tylenol, immodium, lip balm - and will put all of those into a fancied up brown bag. I'll have a "welcome to Mexico" letter, along with a timeline of the events stuffed in there.


I'm going to do mugs because I think it's the one thing that people will really appreciate onsite, and will use when they get home again. I'm looking at Factory 21 for my mugs - 50 for $110. I don't see a 50 listing right now, but the seller is also on eBay. http://www.etsy.com/listing/88493000/75-custom-destination-wedding-favor?ref=sr_gallery_14&ga_search_query=factory+21&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=ZZ&ga_min=0&ga_max=0&ga_page=1&ga_search_type=all


the downside of Factory 21 is that it's either a white or black mug - not much choice.


the other option I'm considering for the mugs is hitting dollar tree and grabbing a bunch of their $1 travel mugs (the only downside is their colors are limited to red, blue and black, but meh, this may not be so important to me), and then adding a sticker from this seller: http://www.etsy.com/listing/95216831/120-custom-glossy-waterproof-wedding another bride has used the sticker method and says they work really well.


We are using the grocery store type "green" shopping bags as the OOT bags - something that can be used at the beach, and also when they get home again.


as far as lugging it all down...we are going to have the mugs sent to my parents and have them bring those. they are traveling together, and we will pay for the extra checked bag. we will have 2 extra checked bags of "stuff" ourselves (4 total - 1 bag each of clothes, and 1 bag each of extras), and then I have a friend here in town who is going and can take another bag if we need her to. I will make sure we have all of the decorations for the ceremony & reception, and my friend/parents have OOT bag stuff (that assembly should be fairly easy to do onsite).


hope that helps with some ideas!!


what sort of dresses are you looking at? do you have a silhouette in mind? a style (DW typical, ballgown, lace, etc)?


Originally Posted by chiquita8302 View Post

Oooh, that's great you got those on here! I will look around a little, and check out your links! I'm doing coral (and white), so no orange, but thanks for the offer :)


I have to agree- initially, a big part of the reason for doing DW was the simplicity, but it all gets snowballed into being something bigger. As for the decorations- we'll probably be minimal-ish as well.... the white table setup Valeria sent me pics of looks exactly like what I'd like, then with some lights and something for a centerpiece (i have been working on figuring something out for this as welll... thought about adding 1 lilly to something i could DIY, but each flower is $18.00 lol I just found that to be kind of a lot for ONE flower. But what do I know about flowers...), and hopefully that will do the job. It should be beautiful regardless, I really feel like you're right.


I'm still torn on the DJ versus iPod, too! How are you going to have your first dance announced, and all of that stuff? how are you going to handle the flow of the reception? I'd reallllllly rather not hire a 1500$ dj for 40 people lol but kind of feel like we might have to? Maybe you'll have some more good advice for me on how you're going to do it! ;-)


Valeria said absolutely we cannot do our own setup. Otherwise I woudl absolutely do so. She said that it gets in the way of the staff (which I'm sure is impossible, considering how in the way could they be just placing centerpieces and some candle bags??).


Thank you- i'm super excited for the dress part. I have been looking more online and there are sooo many pretty ones. I'm such a bargain shopper I'd love a good score on the dress, but that is something I will be wiilling to splurge on (within reason) as it's the ONLY day we get to do this- you have to LOVE it! :)


Keep us posted with how your OOT bags come along! I'm thinking we'll be doing those. Not sure what to put in mine exactly. I had been looking for mugs, but have found they're either expensive or chintzy looking... so I had kind of dropped that idea for now. I did find at Target coral colored mugs (slim ones wihtout handles, they're cute) that are clear all around them, so you can put a printout or whatever in to make your own decoration...

Aladdin Red Travel Mug

So I got enough for my BM's and will print osmething cutesy to put inside wiht their name on it or something! I think they should be fun and will make them stand out a little! For $9.99 they seemed reasonable compared to the mugs i've priced online.  What else are you putting in them? Are you worried abotu how to lug all this stuff down? lol!


And I know- I can't believe that I need to be worried already about whether or not I can get a dress in time, lol! 4.5 months will be here before you know it- hooray!!! I absolutely cannot wait--- now that everyone has gotten our invites, it's all everyone talks about when they see us for the first time, so it is so fun listening to them getting all excited and recruiting other friends to come- I cant wait. :) It is going to be a long winter until February, but once it's here, what a welcome break from the SNOW it will be!!! :) :)



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Originally Posted by ElDorado2012 View Post


Hi ladies! We leave tomorrow for our wedding on Saturday (6/30)! I'm super excited!! I'll make sure to give you all a full review with pics when I get back :)


Best wishes! Keeping my fingers crossed for great weather. And don't forget to just take time to enjoy every moment :)cheesy.gif

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chiquita8302 -


My colors are coral and navy! Are you having a hard time finding coral decorations? I am! I found coral table lanterns at Target but we are only doing a semi-private dinner after our ceremony so I won't need to decorate for a reception. Our ceremony is at D'ITALIAS gazebo which isn't the same style as Gazebo 55. We wanted to rent colored sheers but it won't have the same effect on our gazebo. I want to hang some coral and navy paper lanterns around the gazebo but I am having a hard to finding a true coral color. Most are too pink.


Also, after seeing that some brides on here were able to set up their own decorations and avoid paying the set-up fee, I just told Valeria that my family would be doing the set-up. I also mentioned that I had seen on "a forum" that this has been allowed in the past at no charge (because I've heard that the Lomas people look at this thread). Valeria was ok with it and just asked for a description of the items we'd be setting up.

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