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El Dorado Royale (EDR) Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by BandE2008 View Post
I just heard from Monica
Apparently they need to know ahead of time - otherwise they will make half of one of your choices and half of the other -
This is for the private reception.
They need to do this to help figure out costs etc.
UGH! One more thing on my list of things to do now!
This s how it would be if you had a AHR with choices at most places. You could put it on the response cards.
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Originally Posted by BandE2008 View Post
I just heard from Monica
Apparently they need to know ahead of time - otherwise they will make half of one of your choices and half of the other -
This is for the private reception.
They need to do this to help figure out costs etc.
UGH! One more thing on my list of things to do now!
Maybe it's just because it's private? I still would bet that when you get there, they will ask your guests anyway. Who knows.
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Originally Posted by shannon View Post
Aww- hearing all the "July brides" makes me want to do it again!!! I'm so going through Mexico/EDR withdrawals! Just want to let the future brides know that EVERYTHING will work out-- the timing of photographer, the location of your ceremony-everything. They are so amazing there with coordinating and organizing. I think we've had brides (on this forum) get married at almost every location on the resort, and they have all been so beautiful-- so it's def a win-win!
You guys will have such an amazing time- just enjoy every second of it!

Wish I was going back with you guys!!!!
I'm with you there Shannon. I can't wait to go back and would also do it all over again. Wouldn't do it any different. Your right there is nothing to get stressed about there. They do an amazing job and are so on top of it all. They do a great job and decorating each gazebo they are all beautiful. They definitely take great care of you that day. No matter how many other brides are getting married it's all about you.. It will be amazing & wish I could do it again so it goes so fast.
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Originally Posted by nolaroy724 View Post
You should be fine at 6:00. Most people start getting ready for dinner about then and the beach will be clear. Just try to decide when you get there if you like that location. You can choose to move it to another gazebo if it is available. Some other EDR brides have said they changed the location once they got there.
I don't recall seeing that gazebo there. I would be interested in seeing it. It is true most people are off the beach area around 5. We had some watching ours at gazebo 55 but off to the side in regular clothing. Then people in suites were all in the balconies watching and after all was done they were all clapping. Which was kinda neat to hear them cheering.
You could change your location but I would find out what is still available at this point or just before you go to get the one you really want. It is very tough to pick a place when you only see photos. Everything is beautiful there and most of the areas for ceremonies or private receptions I would go with.
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Originally Posted by nde062010 View Post
Has anyone used the resort dj? I know the popular choice is the ipod but fiance was not havin it.
Would it also be $500 fee to bring in an outside dj?
We used the ipod, but I haven't heard anything negative about the DJ there. We just didn't want to pay to rent the speakers when we could buy portable speakers for nearly the same price. Basically, we were being cheap!
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Originally Posted by nde062010 View Post
Has anyone used the resort dj? I know the popular choice is the ipod but fiance was not havin it.
Would it also be $500 fee to bring in an outside dj?
We brought cd's & our ipod with the music we chose for our private reception. Then I brought a dinner music cd. We rented the speakers for $250. They hooked up the ipod to the speakers and played the music as I wanted them too. He also played some of his own music he had on his own ipod. They don't have a microphone to do any announcing they just play the music and are also there helping with the reception. They also get the party going too, the staff we had was awesome. We had a bartender with a bar with everything you could image on it. Vincente who was awesome waiting tables and drinks then one helping with everything and the music. I didn't want to pay the money either at first but it was worth it to me. We had more fun with 16 of us at this reception then my at home reception with 150 guest. They totally take care of you and make it very entertaining.
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I'm looking for a copy of the legal ceremony script/program for EDR. Could someone please post that? Also, for those of you who were married legally in Mexico, did you have an english speaking minister? We really want to get married legally in Mexico, but feel wierd about having our ceremony translated. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Originally Posted by KirstenRN6 View Post
I'm looking for a copy of the legal ceremony script/program for EDR. Could someone please post that? Also, for those of you who were married legally in Mexico, did you have an english speaking minister? We really want to get married legally in Mexico, but feel wierd about having our ceremony translated. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
We had a civil ceremony by the judge. It was legal. Judge only speaks spanish but it was a nice touch her speaking and then translated. Our documents were then translated to English and mailed to us.
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