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Hello Ladies!


Just wondering if any of you Canadian Brides who had OOT Bags if you carried all items with you on the plane or if you had it shipped at the resort beforehand?



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Originally Posted by Fivecents View Post
Hello Ladies!

Just wondering if any of you Canadian Brides who had OOT Bags if you carried all items with you on the plane or if you had it shipped at the resort beforehand?

Don't ship it beforehand!!!!!!!!! I've read some horror stories on things getting trapped and then some even burned when not picked up at customs!!!!

Not sure if anyone has a better story about things getting through to the resorts, maybe it depends on where the items are going...the burning incident was in Mexico.

We took all of our stuff with us and pawned a few luggage pieces on what friends we could - it was a HUGE pain is the A$$ hauling all the luggage but much easier coming back!!

Good luck on whatever you decide!
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I too have read horror stories on here about shipping things. They discussed what you would expect: things getting there late or not at all. One bride even lost her wedding gown by shipping it ahead. You also don't want to run the risk of having to pay an import tax, since you have multiples of the same item, you could get hassled about being a merchant.


Our resort won't even accept shipments anymore. It turns out to be a blessing for me because shipping was my first and only thought. I didn't consider the bad stuff that could happen. Most brides recommend paying the extra baggage fees on the airlines; packing the items in suitcases or large plastic bins; and splitting the packed stuff among relatives that are flying in.


Good Luck!

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Originally Posted by Fivecents View Post
Thanks for your input. Any idea how much for extra baggage is it per piece or by weight?

Sorry about the new thread but I did do a search and couldn't exactly find what I was looking for.
It's different for every airline.
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Some destinations just aren't worth the hassle of sending your OOT contents (and decorations) in advance. I was married in Punta Cana and my WC warned me not to send anything because it might "disappear" from the post office, or even the courier van! Not to mention the cost!!


We brought everything with us on the plane, however in retrospect, I would have split up the load among more of our guests. The extra weight fees were ridiculous!

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