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Andrea's Wedding Review (07/28/07)

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Cabo Wedding Review:

Hi ladies, well the whole week went very well…. it also went by way to fast. Erik and I need a vacation for this vacation.

The wedding was beautiful and everything I could hope for, though I didnâ€t like my bouquet that much but it was still very pretty. Like I said the whole week went very well. It did end up raining on Tuesday and Wednesday though but that was alright it allowed us to relax and hang out with one another…. The wedding day was perfect, sunny and we even had a beautiful full moon.

Ok now for the grading system LOL:


Los Cabos Golf Resort….A: This resort is very nice, it was very quiet and peaceful…it also had a lot of cats, they were everywhere. My parents and family stayed at this resort and had a wonderful time, the totally recommend it. The only thing is that itâ€s not on the beach, but the beach is not that far away.


Dominicâ€s Rental Car…A+: Both Erik and I really really liked Dominic; he was very sweet and always kind to me on the phone. He always answered my emails and phone calls on time and efficiently. We rented the car for 4 days for 40 dollars a day and it came with all insurance and everything. We ended up calling Dominic on Thursday and asked him if we could keep the car another day and he didnâ€t even hesitate…just told us to leave the keys in the car and also another 40 dollars in the car and they would pick it up from the hotel. We totally recommend him!!!!!


Driving to La Paz…B+: The trip was LONG…and they were doing construction on the road so it took a half-hour longer that expected…. it was 2 hours long to get there (actually 2 ½ hours). Once we got there it was beautiful, quiet and relaxing. The night Erik and I were there they had a concert going on the Malecon (sp?). It was a Christian concert, very fun and interesting. Also the reason I gave the trip a B+ was because of the construction that was going on which was not noted at all and we had to do a lot of off-roading. It was still a lot of fun though.


Thursday night dinner at The Office…B+: The reason I rated this a B+ rather than an A is because The Office lost our reservations that Maye made for us, but it was quickly resolved when some reasonable attitude was given ?. Yes the food was expensive but it was really good. We were also supposed to see the fiesta but The Office didnâ€t have it that day due to rain…. though it ended up not raining. OH Well, we still had a good time…My friend Shelly and I ended up going next door to Mango Deck and doing upside down shots with tequila. (I have photos ?)


Villa del Arco Resort…A: I didnâ€t rate this an A+ because it turned out Villa Del Arco overbooked our reservations (well Erikâ€s and his parents…. I didnâ€t stay at Villa del Arco with Erik until Saturday night). Erikâ€s parents were pissed and demanded that they get a room for them and Erik…. I arrived just in time to talk to the head guy to talk to him and try to calm down the situation. It turned out that they ended up giving Erik and his parents to BEAUTIFUL rooms at Villa La Estancia.


Villa La Estancia….A+: Though I didnâ€t stay here (supposedly…shhhh donâ€t tell my mom LOL) till Saturday, all I have to say is WOW. The rooms that they gave us to replace the rooms for Villa del Arco were huge and just WOW! We had a Jacuzzi tub in the room, a full kitchen, great view of the beach and excellent pools and Jacuzziâ€s…. This room was 10 times better than Villa del Arco (though I really didnâ€t experience Villa del Arco). I loved it!!!! Erikâ€s parents and Grandma thought different though…. Iâ€m sorry but they didnâ€t seem like they really appreciated the place…when they didnâ€t get a room at Villa del Arco they emphasized to the manager that they wanted a expensive room and wanted to make sure the place was an expensive place…. donâ€t ask me why…. they were weird the whole trip…Iâ€ll talk more about that later LOL.

Friday night dinner (Rehearsal Dinner)….A+: We went to Brasil Steakhouse. It was sooooooooo much fun. We ended up getting a long table and the food was wonderful. We love this restaurant. Itâ€s an all you can eat place for $30 a person. We took a pic of menu so you can see. We also were surprised by some Brazilian band that played music and had a fire dancer at one point. We all began to dance in the restaurant. I also got to meet Christa and Rafael for the first time. I love her, she is sooooo sweet and we had so much fun. Thank you Christa for being there. ?


Baja Cantina…. A+: I just have to say you guys were right Baja Cantina was wonderful. The wedding was beautiful. They set up the location so that we had the beach to ourselves (with a couple of on lookers), with umbrellas separating the area from the other restaurants and guest. The table and set up was exactly how I wanted it and the food…. oh the food, it was delicious. Everyone raved about the food and the cake. They ended up giving us cake for desert, which was separate from the wedding cake. The desert cake was tres leches…. The wedding cake was white with raspberry filling.

Mona (manager and coordinator of restaurant) was very professional and worked very well with Maye. No complaints at all…. Would totally recommend having your wedding here (inexpensive and delicious)


Maye Cortinas….A+: I loved working with Maye. She was very professional and everything went well. She even gave suggestions which a happily took for the wedding…such as centerpieces and such. She worked well with Mona and was there the whole time of my wedding. The only thing I really didnâ€t like but was still happy about was my bouquet, I had asked for Gerber daisies and roses but what I got was all Gerber daisies in yellow and orange. Oh well, they were still beautiful…. Everything else was perfect.


Mariachis….A: I didnâ€t really hear them but everyone raved about them and thought they were cool; it was a full band too. I did hear them when they did the wedding march but that was it…I was too busy taking pictures and walking around to notice them, but Iâ€m glad I had them. Maye hired them for me, so I donâ€t know what company they worked with.


Tomas Baron (wedding photographer)….A+: Very professional and very nice…Took all the pics I wanted and did some of his own. I just know they will come out wonderful…just have to wait for them now. I will give a better review soon. I hired Tomas for 3 hours, we had him from 6pm to 9pm, and I definitely recommend him.


Baja Productions (Marci and Enrique)…A+: I loved them…they were very very nice and professional. I didnâ€t really notice that Enrique was filming…I did see him a couple of times but he was recording very good shots ?. We hired them for 3 hours of raw footage (6pm to 9pm). At the end they handed us the videotapes to take home…(Erik is working on it now ?).

Once I see the video Iâ€ll give a better review…I definitely recommend them though ?


Manuel Burgoin (TTD Photos)….A+: Manuel met us at 9am the next day (Sunday) (yes I was still hung over from the night before). He was very nice and professional. He ended up taking us to Lovers Beach to take the TTD photos. I think this was his first time taking these photos because at first he didnâ€t want me to wet the dress, but I think it was because he knew how heavy the dress was going to be…. so maybe he did know what to do for TTD pictures…. Erik and I had fun doing this…. Once I get these photos Iâ€ll give a better review but I know they will be good ?. I was soooooo excited about these photos.



I think thatâ€s about it. The wedding was beautiful and everyone was very impressed. Everyone came up to me (except for the new In-laws) to tell Erik and me how beautiful the wedding was and that it was the funniest and best wedding theyâ€ve been too. I will definitely have to agree.


I love Cabo and I know I couldnâ€t have done it without your girlâ€s help. So thank you so much for everything.




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Drea I'm glad everything worked out perfectly! It sounds like you had a beautiful wedding. I am so glad Christa was there to share in your happy day. I can't wait to see all the pics, especially your TTD. The food sounds delicious, you are making me hungry. LOL.

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Thanks for the great review Drea- I'm so glad things went well for you. Your setup looked gorgeous- I didn't realize that your wedding was going to be at Baja Cantina. Too cool!


I'm absolutely DYING to see your TTD pics at Lover's Beach. Those will be sooooo cool!


Congratulations new Mrs!

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