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Villa Flor de Cabrera

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Hello ladies! I just wanted to post on the BDW forum for brides to take advantage of a villa that I found but I don't believe has been posted on the BDW forum. We are planning on hosting our wedding at Villa Flor de Cabrera in the Dominican Republic in July 2011. We just returned from a site visit and absolutely loved it!


It is a beautiful 10 bedroom villa with a casita (honeymoon suite) for the bride and groom. It has a full time staff (chef, concierge, host, laundress) that make it feel as though you are on your own private resort. The villa is absolutely stunning but the staff really make you feel like a celebrity. The owners are Americans with an American chef. The villa has pool and is located right on the beach.


It's really reasonably priced--especially if you divide by the number of people. It's very comparable to other resorts we've looked at with better food and service. We're paying $17,500 for the week and the villa holds approximately 24 people. So that's $724/person for the week at the villa. The meal plans are added separately but you can add anything...all the way up to all-inclusive. All of the meal plans are on the website so you don't have to question how much you will pay for stuff.


I'm a teacher so there is another bonus--All of the proceeds from the villa are used toward the CEED foundation, a charitable organization that coordinates goods and services to community projects involving teachers and students. They also offer you unique ways to help with the payment of the villa. Up to 50% of the rental rate can be exchanged for donated services and supplies through a program that they offer, called Trade for Travel. We don't really need anything for our wedding so we've asked for donations of school supplies, computers, etc. to be made on our behalf and we get villa vouchers toward our stay. It's a win-win! The kids get the supplies that they need and we get a discount on the villa rental for your wedding.


They offer a special preview visit for a weekend to see the villa, experience the amenities, and plan for the wedding. Contact Ruthie Moller at [email protected] or 800-493-5179 Mention "Jennifer" to inquire about the preview weekend for BDW brides.


Villa Flor de Cabrera



CEED Foundation



You're welcome to preview our wedding website to see photos and all of our planning so far:


Jennifer and Christian

Password: wedding


Or email me at japonick(at)stsd.org

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  • 1 month later...

My family us from Cabrera and I was planning on renting Villa Castellamonte... there are plenty of villas which you can preview on www.northcoastmanagement.cim, click villas and the select Cabrera. I'm still debating whether I should do the villa or PPR. I wanted a ceremony on the private beach of the villa but it wont be a religious one so I am now contemplating the church there which was recently remodeled.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello! I looked at both Castellamonte and Villa Flor de Cabrera and there are several reasons why I liked Flor de Cabrera better. Castellamonte has 8 vs. 10 bedrooms at Flor de Cabrera. Flor de Cabrera is closer to the beach while Castellamonte is higher on the cliff with alot of steps down to the beach. Flor de Cabrera has an American chef. Flor de Cabrera also has a honeymoon casita for the bride and groom (a happy mix between being with your family and having some privacy with a separate house for both of you). Castellamonte is decorated in Tuscany Italian style while Flor de Cabrera is a little homier. Castellamonte is definetely more advertised. It's entirely a personal decision. I would encourage you to do a weekend site visit before booking...it was a great way to see the options and make a decision.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

We just got back from our "scouting" trip to DR and were deciding between Flor de Cabrera & Sunrise Villa. We just decided this weekend to go with Flor de Cabrera and are booking it for April 21, 2012! Going into the trip we were favoring Sunrise, but after touring them both Flor just blew us away. Ruthie & Dan (the owners) are very friendly & helpful. I look forward to planning & working with them for the next 15/16 months! Good luck with all of your plans as well!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I am glad to hear all your comments. We have booked Flor de Cabrera for our wedding in November. We were thinking of making a trip to go check out the location, but as we are based far away, we are not sure we will be able to make it. Would anyone happen to have pictures of the villa that you have taken? The person from Sunrise Villa is really kind as well. We have booked that villa too for our guests. Any info you have would be great! Thanks. 

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  • 1 month later...

I have photos and videos from our visit in April 2011 I would be glad to share with you.  I have not visited Sunrise so I cannot compare the two.  We are getting married at Villa Flor de Cabrera and it is stunning!  I cannot wait!  Flor de Cabrera also has an online reservation system (LRMvillas.com) that will greatly assist you in your planning.  It really helps keep track of what everyone wants, food/drinks, taxis, spa services, excursions, and deposits.  It keeps track of everything and makes your life easier.  Feel free to contact me anytime! 

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