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Lose 10 pounds in 21 days

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I'm actually doing this to get me out of a plateau. I've lost 20 pounds since December, but the last month or so have been stuck...haven't lost any more. So I'm hoping this will kick my body back into gear as far as upping my metabolism, and then after the 3 weeks are up continue to eat healthy (with maybe one cheat day per week).


I haven't weighed myself yet, since it's only been 4 days...I will be weighing in on Sunday morning so I'll let you know how that goes. I can tell you that I FEEL thinner. I'm wearing my normal jeans today and I keep having to pull them up....they're falling off! So that's a good sign! Most importantly though...I just feel really good. I'm not falling asleep at my desk after lunch, and I wake up feeling really rested every morning. It's worth it just for that!


I still have 25 pounds to go before I get to my goal, so if this works I may do it for the 3 weeks, then take a month off (still eating healthy of course) then do it another 3 weeks..until I get to my goal!


Good luck to everyone else!

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Originally Posted by MrsC-to-Be View Post
I've heard cutting carbs for a few weeks really does work, but then you have to gradually add carbs back, otherwise you gain back all those pounds. I did a low carb once- i think I lasted almost a week- weekling :P
I've done that before. I lost 20 lbs in a month! However, I didn't do it the healthy way. I basically just ate eggs, meat, cheese etc. I looked great, but my body didn't feel healthy. I ended up gaining it back over a year, but that was just due to my eating habits!

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
That's when I did it too Lady. I was 2 months from wedding date and needed a push. I lost 8 pounds in April on this diet and have kept it off in May. I wanted to lose 3 more this month, but I am having too much fun wink.gif

Sweet! Congrats on the loss- I'm looking forward to it- 8 would be GREAT!
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Originally Posted by AnnR View Post
it's all explained in the rules, ladies. i suggest you take a moment to read them ... there's a convenient link in my siggy.

as for being able to download SOME attachments, i'd be surprised if that were possible. can you tell me which ones they were?
I can't remember the exact ones but they were Word files.

Unfortunately, I don't get to post much because I'm so stressed with my work that when I get here my mind is mush. Hopefully, in another two weeks or so, things will calm down. If not, I'll never get this wedding done. :)

You have a great website. All the info is so helpful.

Thanks will read the siggy every time so I don't forget. I have a major memory problem especially when I'm stressed.
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All right girls, I'm checking in after week one! I weighed in yesterday, and had lost 2 pounds. Not a lot, but definitely much appreciated (especially after being stuck in plateau for a MONTH!). I'm sticking with it this week, but will be adding in cardio as well, so we'll see if that helps.


Still feeling really great! I'm taking a few liberties with the diet...like I'll be having strawberries for snack today instead of celery/tomatoes (I hate tomatoes and am really tired of celery, to be honest) but mostly I'm sticking straight to it.


I'm officially 18 pounds away from my goal weight, so even if I only lose another 4 or 5 pounds on this I will be SOOO much closer!


Did anyone else start this last week?

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