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grrrrr a britch vents!! lol

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Oh my grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! I initially called the Le Blanc Spa and Resort wedding phone number to ask questions and then, as I was instructed, I submitted my wedding reservation request online from their website last Friday.


I called them today, since I didn't hear back from them within the 48 hour time limit, that they never received my submission. They appologized and asked that I resubmit it via fax. Boo!


After I faxed and e-mailed the submission, I get an e-mail from the wedding department asking me to fax the submission to them!! That was now 2 1/2 hours ago!!


I e-mailed them back about half an hour ago asking them to confirm for me that they received my fax and to contact me so we can proceed with the next steps. I have yet to hear from anyone.


Is it just me being a panicky, type-a personalilty, britch (bride + bitch, lol) or has anyone else had a few bumps in the road while trying to book/secure their wedding date?!?!

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I know it sucks and with today's technology we tend to expect an immediate response but you're going to have to get used to it. They're busy with other weddings happening now or in a few days and they might be running on "island time". Most of us wait a few days for response from our WC. It's just how it goes. I guess it's better to know now instead of finding out later during your planning. Don't stress, you've got plenty of time!

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thanks for the words of encouragement ladies!! i've come to realize that i may be a bit of a control freak as well. i got an e-mail saying they got my fax but for some reason they never responded to my questions.


i've decided to just take it a day a time since they seem to be, lol.

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