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Incorporating "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol in the wedding, somehow!

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I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song and the words are so appropriate. But the music/tune is not really upbeat or positive sounding. I want it incorporated in the music selection somewhere, but I have no clue where it would fit best.


Any ideas?

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It's not upbeat but it has a very sweet message and has a positive feel. Are you doing a sand ceremony? That might be a nice time for it since you'll be busy pouring sand and they'll be saying the script so it's appropriate to have a softer song. I hear signing the papers can be quite a long process too, so that might be another option for playtime.


Just do what you want, it's your wedding!

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All good ideas ladies BUT...


1. We are doing the legal part here in the states before we go, so there will be no signing papers, and


2. No sand ceremony, we are doing an Arras (Dominican tradition) ceremony instead that just involves him giving me coins and saying words.


I have NO clue where to squeeze it in, but the words are SO meaningful!

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Lots of people do the legal part at home and then a symbolic at their DW. Often symbolic wedding will have a 'fake signing' of a contract that means absolutely nothing during the usual signing part. It's way shorter, looks great for those who won't know you're doing the legal part at home, and may be a great place to sneak your song in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's the song my FI noted as "our song" also!!!

We're doing the legal part at home too but I agree, you can do a "fake signing" for your guests and then it does give you time to play the song.


We're doing a "fake signing of papers" as our guest dont' konw we're doing the legal stuff at home.


Hope you can find a spot for it, it is an amazing song!

All the best,

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