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Josie....Thank you for the support on the job front i am gonna phone them again tomorrow and see if i get any joy. Your fans are lovely you have done loads of fab DIY things, definatly gonna be having a look on ebay for anything i can get at a good bargain especially as bridal shops are soooo expensive.


Nicy....You must be really pleased now that the WC is in touch least you can get all your questions answered must feel so real now which is fab.


Have any of you lovely's been watching bulging brides on Living TV? Think i need some of that lol i have lost motivation with the diet this week but i will get back on it i just feel so crap with everything that has been going on, got to go and have a tooth out tomorrow as well which is all i need....i HATE the dentist!!!!


Vicki x

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I just cant understand why these people are treating you children different... so nasty!!! I dont know how people can be so cruel :-( I would never do that in a million years!! Poor kids :-(



I have chosen a chocolate cake with strawberry filling with white icing, and im going to take some aqua ribbon to put round it, i need to find a cake topper too to take, i want a starfish but cant find one cheap enough yet... I havent yet chosen the flowers but which ever i go for i will again add aqua ribbon. Im going to get one of those starfish things for the flowers too, a aqua one, to incorporate my colour more. With my coulours being aqua and white then i may go for some nice white roses....


Yes im so so pleased that WC is easily contactable... so far my queries and questions are answered :-) Im sure i will have alot more in the next few months and weeks :-)


OMG i was walking past a shoe shop in Carlisle today and through the window i saw these







They are just perfect..... £6.99, WHAT A BLOODY BARGAIN!!!!!!  They look so nice on aswell, the pix hardley do it any justice!!! and they will fit my " I DO " stickers on the bottom perfectly :-) And the heel isnt to high, i love HIGH heels but as im going barefoot for the ceremony i dont want anything high as my dress would look odd!!! either too short with shoes or too long without and i think these will be perfect :-) Im so so pleased with them xox

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Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post


Ooooo... Today and yesterday i had emails from my WC at the Riu... So Excited, feels even more real now im in talks with her. SHE IS SO SO quick at getting back to me as well, FANTASTIC.


Wedding time and date confirmed.... Pix of flowers and cake options sent, prices for videographer and photographer. Which resturants we can choose and what times etc... ARGH!!!! Its all good :-) and i am loving it more and more everyday!!!! xoxo



Nicy that's fantastic news...it's so exciting xx



Originally Posted by janapana View Post


Ah, girls i spent the first 4 years hating OH's family, all i do now is spend as little time with them as possible, easier for me cos we're in spain, but then harder when they come out to visit! I've made it clear that they're his family, not mine, and that any interference is not welcome (when i had jacob they knew everything about everything and never hesitated to tell me i was bringing him up wrong, FFIL even pushed me away from the pram once, with a "shift, i'm pushing". yeah, i went mental.....


anyway, not entirely sure how 2 weeks in mexico will go, but it's my wedding and i will not let anyone ruin it.


my dad has an excellent saying




i use this a lot when they're doing my head in.


by the way, they try to show equality to my kids, but if money is given out, MY daughter mia gets about half of what OUR son Jacob gets........



i love your dads saying, everything MIL upsets me i'm just going to think that...hahahaha



Originally Posted by Soon-to-be-McRae View Post


Afternoon ladies


I haven't heard back from the job interview i went for on Monday although they did say they would phone either way!! I have tried to contact them to get feed back but no answer, at this point i am assuming i was unlucky this time and havent got the job, i am totally gutted and a little down because i am getting totally desperate now and wedding plans are limited due to lack of finances we have some money saved for the wedding so we can book when dates become available but thats it!!!!!


Vicki x


Vicki, they do say that no news is good news, I have everything crossed for you hun xx


Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post


Oh girls it is so horribe when families dont get on especially when kids etc are involved. In sept when Scarlett starts pre-school i am defo going to try to get to xmas before i have to see her again. Then it will be my hen in April (which i begrudge asking her too) then Mexico. After Mexico that's it for me!! I'm done. Life is hard enough as it is without having someone around you that makes you feel uncomfortalble and gets you down... !! I've been with Dan 8yrs this month and MIL made a big thing last yr about becoming Harrisons grandmother and bought him cards etc with grandson on it.. since the row she doesnt give him the time of day. Abit how she treats me.... at easter and now i know this sounds petty but it really got to me. She bought Scarlett a big thortons egg with her name on it and Harrison got a bog standard £1 egg. Now she never would have done that before. I was so mad!! FI did notice to but didn't say anything. She is very childish to take it out on my son but you know what i think let her cos he'll see her for what she is and when he's older he'll also want nothing to do with her and i'm sure Scarlett will notice it too...so she's not doing herself any favours!! As the saying goes....give them enough rope they will hang themselves..... so be my guest luv!!! You get on with it!


Sorry to bring such a downer to the thread. I will try and be happier from now on, ha ha.. always so good to have a vent though ;o) x


Sorry your feeling down girls, i really hope things work out on the job front etc..x.


Nicy - so glad your now in contact with your WC and it's all feeling real now :o) and you got your bits too, lovely x



Michelle, your MIL is just wrong, I don't understand how people treat children differently it is just cruel, but like you say Harrison will see her for what she really is when he is older. xx


Originally Posted by josietoms View Post


Wrapped the handles of my ceremony fans today with all the ribbon I had left over from other DIY projects I have done.  Our colour scheme is turquoise and gold.  Sorry about the blurry picture I dont have a 'working' camera at the moment I had to use my phone. 


I have realised with my DIY attempts - LESS is definately more :-)



Josie, your fans are fantastic, i love the shade of blue...my colours are blue and white xx




Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post


I just cant understand why these people are treating you children different... so nasty!!! I dont know how people can be so cruel :-( I would never do that in a million years!! Poor kids :-(



I have chosen a chocolate cake with strawberry filling with white icing, and im going to take some aqua ribbon to put round it, i need to find a cake topper too to take, i want a starfish but cant find one cheap enough yet... I havent yet chosen the flowers but which ever i go for i will again add aqua ribbon. Im going to get one of those starfish things for the flowers too, a aqua one, to incorporate my colour more. With my coulours being aqua and white then i may go for some nice white roses....


Yes im so so pleased that WC is easily contactable... so far my queries and questions are answered :-) Im sure i will have alot more in the next few months and weeks :-)


OMG i was walking past a shoe shop in Carlisle today and through the window i saw these







They are just perfect..... £6.99, WHAT A BLOODY BARGAIN!!!!!!  They look so nice on aswell, the pix hardley do it any justice!!! and they will fit my " I DO " stickers on the bottom perfectly :-) And the heel isnt to high, i love HIGH heels but as im going barefoot for the ceremony i dont want anything high as my dress would look odd!!! either too short with shoes or too long without and i think these will be perfect :-) Im so so pleased with them xox



love them, love them and love them some more....I am loving the colour even more and what a bargain xx



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Thanks for the comments on the fans.

Nicy - the gold bit at the end is just some 99p ribbon from Hobbycraft - folded it upwards so you couldnt see the stick at the end and then wrapped it around a couple of times.

Your shoes are fab.


Everyones plans are coming together - woo hoo.


When I went into Thomson last week they said that they have been told to ring the hotels WC the last day in July and they will confirm our wedding date and times etc - as this is when all the info for next year comes out!  So should be able to be a 100% confirmed bride in the next few days and can order some items that we want that have the date on them.


And on a sour note - I dont like the style of the new forum its not as clear as it was - I feel like I keep missing things! x

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josie, love your fans, nicy love your shoes. Everyone else, i am cursing your inlaws as we speak!


nicy, thanks for the emails, got them all, i love the lillies and roses..... getting myself a bit more organised, ordered some orchids and roses from ebay (my daughter Mia is allergic to heaps of pollens, so going to make her a bouquet of flowers to take with us, and a bout for Jacob.) And i bought my shoes, will get a pic on here as soon as i find my phone.....  but they are sooooo gorgeous, far too high as i live in flip flops, so will prob break my neck or ankle, and the best bit is they were 20quid from new look. So glad i went back to sheffield for the weekend, but it´s made me realise how much good stuff you´ve got in the shops over there. Maybe another little trip back to the uk..... with a bigger suitcase this time!

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